Friday, January 25, 2013

Streetside Records is closing and Evolution

I was in Columbia and saw that Streetside Records was closing. I remember when it was downtown and they actually sold records! Then they moved to their current location. Streetside was a great place and so good for a college town. They had knowledgeable people and would bend over backwards to help you. I guess the economy. It really sucks.

Also, downtown and North Village is like a small Plaza in Kansas City. Small shops, restaurants, bars... catering to select clientele.

I know, the more things change... time moves on. Evolution. And I wonder if that's good or bad. Of course its good, you may say.  I don't know. With evolution we have come to learn how to kill people wholesale. Also, we have put chemicals in our food and look at what its done to kids and people. Modern medicine... ha. Lawyers...double ha. They have evolved. There is always something bad with good.  Too much of anything you know. But if you boil it down look at evolution how a number of us learned; with a frog. A tadpole evolves into a frog. But if it never evolved, then it would be a big 'ole frog and then he would be on my plate as frog legs. I'm just saying....

I will be sorry to see Streetside Records go, even though I am in Leavenworth, KS.

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