Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Destroyer - 1943

Watched the 1943 movie "Destroyer" with Edward G. Robinson and Glenn Ford. During the rousing patriotic speech when Robinson is trying to convince the men not to transfer off, he says something to the affect of they took their ship for better or worse, like a woman. That got me to thinking, as usual, about Kemper. Some of the cadets didn't take to her and never looked back. Some took what she offered and remember her fondly; then you have those who took her, for better or worse and continue with that today. Doing so by writing on Facebook pages, keeping in touch with others who went there, even if not from the same year. And yes, I would fall into that category. Third generation. My close and dear friends are from there. we support each other and think similarly as what we went through affected us. Do all of us think the same; I should hope not! But similar. With people who you know have your back as you have theirs.

The movie was made during the middle of World War II and if you haven't seen it, its a good rousing all-American feel good movie. Its character driven, with just enough action to keep it hoping.

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