Thursday, January 31, 2013

Me trying to write a fantasy story

I've been trying to write a story for the upcoming D & D adventure I am going to be running. I honestly don't know about the story, but I do about the adventure. Here is the start of it.

“Well it’s been a month of holidays since I last laid eyes on you Laenaith,” the tall and skinny barkeep of the Winged Dragon Inn said to the traveler strolling up to the bar.
“And you Gareth,” exclaimed the man, laying a well worn pack and a 12-stringed oud, his instrument of livelihood, on the bar.
They grasped forearms in a greeting and Laenaith sat in one of the padded, high stools around the bar. Though it was getting onto early evening, the place was not even half full.
Raising his eyebrows Laenaith teased, “Did a better place open and steal your business? Or haven’t you had the quality of entertainment like myself to bring in the bodies?”
Sliding a Gydiwon Reserve Stout Ale to him, he lowered his voice some, “That’s right. You’ve been on the road; probably you haven’t heard.”
Lifting the drink to his lips, Laenaith waited, taking a sip of the brew Gareth continued, “There have been a rash of murders in the city. Scaring people to stay indoors for now.”
Snorting in mild disgust, “There’s been murder in the city before.” Lifting his mug, “I’ll wager this drink and many more like it there are murders happening right now…”
Gareth caught his mug arm and brought it down, and with a stern look said, “Not like these. Never have there been such… butchery. Even my time with the army, I never…”
The merriment gone from his eyes, Laenaith looked at his friend, “What do you mean?”
“The first one they found strewn all over the Avenue of Temples. Someone had been cut up and skinned. The flesh was gone, but the muscles and all the inside stuff was left.” 
Taking a bigger sip Laenaith had two thought swirling in his brain. The first was that he may not make much if people stay away because of these murders. The second was; if he could find out more he could weave a drallard (dramatic ballad) that would both scare and entertain. His thoughts were distracted by Gareth continuing.
“The next two bodies were found by the docks; drained of blood. Though no other marks or symptoms of vampires were shown, they were staked and laid in consecrated ground as a precaution.”
“When did all this start?”
“About 3 months ago, beginning of summer.”
Nodding and finishing his drink, Laenaith pushed his mug toward Gareth, who filled it as he continued.
“The next one was disemboweled. And all her insides were missing.” He slid the full mug back to Laenaith. In all the time of the telling, no customers needed serving. The two serving girls were down at the end of the bar watching what little crowd they had, leave. A couple had finished their meals, and headed upstairs to bolt themselves in for the night.
“This last; this last one was the worse of them all. The others were bad, but this…”
Gareth seemed like he wasn’t going to finish. Laenaith needed as much information as he could if he was going to make something that people would pay to hear. “What Gareth? Go on!”
Reaching under the counter Gareth produces s a bottle, grabs a shot glass and poured some of the amber liquid.
“A little cliché,” said Laenaith watching the bar keep.
He slid the glass forward, “This last one was a woman with child. She had her baby cut out of her. They never did find it. The woman survived, but she’s in no shape to identify who did this.”
Laenaith eyed first the shot and then the barkeep, “Why?”
“For one, she’s retreated into herself. The poor thing just lays there. He husband and other kids take care of her as best they can. Even representatives of many of the temples have come together to try and help her. And I do mean many. Some of the less than good ones have even gone as far as to let it be known they had no part on this or any other killings. I don’t think they want anyone thinking they might be behind this.”
Quiet settled between the two men like snow fall muffling their conversation when Gareth dropped the other part, “And her eyes had been burned out. I guess they didn’t want her identifying who did this.”
With that Laenaith did take the shot and down the amber liquid. It burned as it slid down and he sighed out the fumes. Taking the shot, Gareth filled the shot glass and took it for himself.
“Now quit scaring people with that talk Gareth. You act like no ones ever been killed in the city before.”
Gareth glared at the large man that moved onto a sturdy stool at the end of the bar. Though big, it was not muscle that made up his bulk. No, it was from the quantities of food that he imbibed which bulked Skull Branan out.
He was called Skull, as he had a large, purple skull shaped birthmark on his right hand. That along with his personality and dealings with him was less than pleasing. An acquirer and seller of rare antiquities, people dealt with him as little as possible. Clean shaved head with a cherub’s face; his personality was that of a skull. Hard, dry and usually not very fun.
“Gydiwon Stout if you please. And a large soup of the day and loaf of bread.”
Though as welcome as a skunk, he did have his uses. And, it was never good to be on his bad side. Though not of the Thieves Guild, he did work with them. Those that crossed Skull had a tendency to become terminally clumsy or just disappear.  Gareth reluctantly went to fetch his food.
Skull took out a large napkin from his pocket and tucked it in. His cloak seemed to billow about him, making him even larger if that was possible. But Laenaith knew enough of him to know that he had deadly things hidden in those vast folds; Skull would not have survived as long as he did if he didn’t.
“So Laenaith of the Light Touch,” Skull used one of his less than desirable names, “it would seem you maybe short of coinage as long as these deaths keep happening. People are not going to risk themselves just to hear a minstrel strum, no matter how good he thinks he is.”
Shaking his head, “I’ll be alright. There will be plenty of people who will pay to hear me play. Besides, I am sure the city guard will catch whoever is doing this awful thing.”
Starting on the soup Skull spooned a few mouthfuls before speaking. “I am sure you are correct. But until that happens; I could use someone like you.”
“I have told you Skull, I am not for sale. I wander where I want and when I want.”
Dipping pieces of bread in to the soup Skull popped them into his mouth. After swallowing he continued, “Yes, yes. But right now I am thinking of a particular task, for a set amount. It’s actually fairly simple.”
At the mention of money Laenaith watched the fat man devour the soup and use the remaining small loaf of bread to sop up the dredges. “I’m listening.”
Dabbing his mouth Skull turned to look at the minstrel, “There a rumor that the tor to the west of here may have been broken into. Either through time, weather or other means; I want you to go and occupy it until I can get there with a wagon.”
Sitting there was making him uncomfortable, and yet it sounded straight forward enough. “All you want me to do is go there and wait for you? What if this thing isn’t open?”
Taking a sip of his drink Skull replied, “Then when I get there you can ride back with me.”
When Laenaith didn’t immediately respond Skull added, “Or you can go on your way from there. It makes me no never mind. I can pay you then or when we get back or…”
“Or what?”
“You can take part of your payment from anything we find in there.”
Looking unimpressed Laenaith stated, “What’s the pay?”
Sniffing loudly like he had been insulted, “I’ll pay you 30 gold piese when all is said and done.”
Laenaith smiled, now the dance begins, he thinks to himself.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I say a movie is cute and use Dodgeball as an example

And we had snow today. Nothing too bad, just enough to let us know that Mother Nature has a sense of humor. With the temperature dropping the last two days and then it looks like the temperature is rising for the next two days, what can you say.

I like movies. Most movies. My friends say I have a one word description which is 'cute'. They're right. But I also have a secret. If someone asks, what did you think of that movie. I can say, it was cute. Why? It just was. That way I don't have to defend what I liked about or get told that that thing could never happen, how can you like that person, etc etc etc. It saves a lot of arguments from people who have way stronger opinions on things. A movie is a way to suspend disbelief and to transport you away all the while telling a story. Unless its a documentary with actual footage; its not suppose to be true to life. Nor, do I care what kind of message; unless its the story. I don't want some subtle message in my movie. If that was suppose to be the movie then it would be a movie and not something that's subtle.

Take Dodgeball. Simple. Small gym with average people going up against the big bad gym. Interesting characters; a lot over the top. Vince Vaughn is great in this.  And you have a plethora of cameos from Lance Armstrong, David Hasselhoff to Chuck Norris. And its Vegas bay-bee... so lots of girls, lights, etc. In the end the good guys do win. And that's the whole story. There's love, dodgeball and plenty of stupid gags. It's a cute movie. Could it happen? Who knows. Little guys get mad enough, pissed enough, they can do some amazing things. Add luck, fate, whatever. Do people like them really exists? Yep. the good and the bad. So a David vs Goliath is a good theme. All with human frailty  stupid stereotypes and hopefully like Vauhn says at the end; you are fine the way you are. But if you want to loose some weight and make some good friends, come on down. I just love how husband and wife Stiller and Taylor are on opposite side of this. You know they had fun 'hating' each other, especially when Stiller had to smack her in the face with a ball. Probably a stunt double but still. And the ending with Stiller being all fat and gross and totally playing it up is disturbing and hilarious at the same time.

So yeah, it's a cute movie. I give it 8 out 10 stars.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Home Depot, Groupon, Denny's, not CCW Friendly

I saw a posting that says Groupon will no longer be offering any kind of discounts for gun ranges, accessories, etc. So I sent them a note on Facebook stating that I would be dropping from getting their coupons. Then I saw where a person who had a CCW permit was told to take his gun out of a Home Depot. I also responded to the Home Depot Facebook site and told them that I would not be spending any money with them.

Someone responded that they had checked with their local Home Depot and that they accepted CCWs. Maybe it was a local store thing. But I also remember when Home Depot fired one of their employees for wearing a One Nation Under God in support of his brother who was deployed.  So I will still not be spending money with them.

And a Denny's in Illinois, right across from St. Louis, asked plain clothes policemen to leave their weapons outside. These were COPS! No more Denny's for me. Of course no one ever plans to go to Denny's they just end up there. Someone needs to start businesses that allow CCW and post it. If anyone complains then they can go to Home Depot with their Groupons or eat at Denny's. The responder did make me think and I am going to start to check what local businesses and see who actually allow CCW in their businesses. Maybe we should start a directory of those businesses who do and do not allow CCW.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Ghosts at Kemper

As you may or may not know I went to Kemper Military School & College in Boonville, MO for high school and also got my junior college associates degree from there. The majority of my close friends are from there. I loved the school and I was also the 3rd generation of my family to have attended. The school shut down in 2002 due, in my opinion, to a long history of mismanagement of money along with inflated egos. Again, that's just my opinion.

The vice president of the alumni association, a woman who I 'helped' raise since she was 14 called me up and wanted to know if Math Hall, a building that had been refurbished and was currently being used by State Fair Community College for classrooms, was haunted. I replied of course.

'By whom?' she asked.

Old Boys, alumni. They are probably a little pissed that there are non-cadets in there along with women. Kemper started taking female cadets in 1976, so you are going to have some real old fashion ghosts; especially if there were a lot of women. I told her they would probably make noise, throw things, etc. Nothing bad or evil, just throwing temper tantrums. She said that all the clocks in the lower classrooms were smashed. I said, yeah that sounds about right. They are probably not keeping the schedule they feel is correct. She wanted to know if a picture of the founder, F.T. Kemper would help. Couldn't hurt I said. I told her I'd talk to them when I was back. A 3rd generation Old Boy should carry some weight with the dearly departed.

I doubt if it will completely stop them; but maybe we can curtail some of their displeasure. I remember some experiences when i owned the house across the street that used to be a barracks. But that's another story. I will say that my wife (now ex-wife) learned not to talk crap about me.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Good Witch

Just watched The Good Witch movie again. I love Katherine Bell; loved her in JAG. Anyway, I knew that the concerned citizens of the town she moved too, see anything that they don't understand as a threat. She won everyone over by no magic, but common sense and subtle tricks that are far from magic, unless you don't understand. She also had an abundance of caring and forgiveness; even if she doubted herself. A nice balance I thought. I am glad that Hallmark made a series of this. Besides it being Halloweenish (I love Halloween) it has a good message. It may not work all the time; but when the stars align, it is truly magical. I highly recommend this movie-haven't seen the others and I am going to re-watch them so will let you know as I progress through them.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Thai It, You'll Like It! - a restaurant review

I recently tried a new Thai restaurant (for me) near the Plaza in Kansas City. I found it thanks to my smart phone, so if you are looking to try something new, leave it up to today's advanced technology. The Thai Place Restaurant was what I found.

I look to see how easy a place is to find and how the parking is. Both of these, The Thai Place had. Upon entering, the decor was nice without being cheesy and looked cleaned and well staffed.  I was seated and looked around. The various customers seemed to range from businessmen in suits and ties to me in jeans and t-shirt. But for lunch it was ok. For dinner you might want to look better than wearing a Warehouse 13 t-shirt.

Trying a new place I always order something I am familiar with. After you have a good base line then you can be adventurous if you want. Their house special and something I was familiar with was the Pad Thai Shrimp. The lunch special also came with soup and 2 crab Rangoon. I hadn't even finished the small bowl when my entree arrived. It was still very hot and the Rangoon was fresh. Though perhaps a little smaller than what I was used too from a Chinese buffet, these were definitely fresh as the crust was light and fresh. They were also hot. I was very impressed. The Pad Thai was very good, flavorful. I don't know if soy sauce or sweet sour sauce are Thai condiments, and while I was used to them from a Chinese restaurant, didn't have them on the table. But honestly, I didn't miss them as the food could stand on its own, especially with it being hot and good.

The service was good and the price of what I received was very reasonable. If you get a chance, try this place.

4 forks out 4 forks

Thai Place Restaurant
4130 Pennsylvania Ave
Kansas City, MO  64111

Friday, January 25, 2013

Streetside Records is closing and Evolution

I was in Columbia and saw that Streetside Records was closing. I remember when it was downtown and they actually sold records! Then they moved to their current location. Streetside was a great place and so good for a college town. They had knowledgeable people and would bend over backwards to help you. I guess the economy. It really sucks.

Also, downtown and North Village is like a small Plaza in Kansas City. Small shops, restaurants, bars... catering to select clientele.

I know, the more things change... time moves on. Evolution. And I wonder if that's good or bad. Of course its good, you may say.  I don't know. With evolution we have come to learn how to kill people wholesale. Also, we have put chemicals in our food and look at what its done to kids and people. Modern medicine... ha. Lawyers...double ha. They have evolved. There is always something bad with good.  Too much of anything you know. But if you boil it down look at evolution how a number of us learned; with a frog. A tadpole evolves into a frog. But if it never evolved, then it would be a big 'ole frog and then he would be on my plate as frog legs. I'm just saying....

I will be sorry to see Streetside Records go, even though I am in Leavenworth, KS.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Another weird dream

Ok, had another weird dream.

I was in a swimming pool and it was deep; like 30 feet. People were looking for something and diving, so I took a snorkel - not with a mask and dove. On the bottom I found rocks and stuff, but also some dice (d20s). And then I was transported to another dimension or place. I was dripping wet but fully clothed (vs just a swim trunk). There was my friend from Kemper, Evan, and he was dressed like Steve Buscemi from Boardwalk empire, even the hat.

I have no idea why I am having these dreams, I don't even watch Boardwalk Empire. Whats my mind trying to tell me?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A weird dream

I have no idea where the dream I had came from last night. Al I can remember is that I was in an old broken down abandoned hotel. But there was one room that had a portal to one of it's room when  the hotel was open and in it's hey day. in that room was a friend of mine from Kemper, dress in his Class A's, (I think it was the night of our military ball) and his mom was there too. I stepped through as I am now and tried to convince them I was form the future by telling them things that had happened. They didn't believe me. Then another of our friends form Kemper, Becko came up and started arguing that I wasn't from the future.

So I have no idea what that was about. I emailed my friend to see what was up and if everything was ok.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Destroyer - 1943

Watched the 1943 movie "Destroyer" with Edward G. Robinson and Glenn Ford. During the rousing patriotic speech when Robinson is trying to convince the men not to transfer off, he says something to the affect of they took their ship for better or worse, like a woman. That got me to thinking, as usual, about Kemper. Some of the cadets didn't take to her and never looked back. Some took what she offered and remember her fondly; then you have those who took her, for better or worse and continue with that today. Doing so by writing on Facebook pages, keeping in touch with others who went there, even if not from the same year. And yes, I would fall into that category. Third generation. My close and dear friends are from there. we support each other and think similarly as what we went through affected us. Do all of us think the same; I should hope not! But similar. With people who you know have your back as you have theirs.

The movie was made during the middle of World War II and if you haven't seen it, its a good rousing all-American feel good movie. Its character driven, with just enough action to keep it hoping.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Nickerson's Farms

Nickerson Farms were a chain of road side restaurants/rest stop/gas stops before all the Casey's and other littered our highways. I remember the one that was at Emma, MO. It was strategic for when my parents would go to Kansas City as a rest stop and refuel. One of it's gimmicks was that it had a big bee-hive behind glass and you could see the bees. They also sold the honey and other crafts. Very similar to a Cracker-Barrel. I remember and still have some magazine-books that would be fore-runners of the Chicken Soup books written by Dan Valentine. I have since searched for him online and have not found anything relating to him and the books that bear his name.

As I got older and started driving the highways, I stopped there a couple of times for gas and to have a meal.  It was just a neat place I thought. The red steeple roof was eye catching. Unfortunately they didn't survive into the late 80s. I was sorry to see them go. I immediately know when I see one that is another business. Their design is fairly unique. And their memory is a warm spot inside me.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Joel, Marshall Tucker & Croce

Back in the day, you would record cassettes from records. I loved some of their cover art. Truly classic. And the cassettes are what you took with you to play in your car. And usually that’s how you got turned on to new music and groups and people. That’s how I got exposed to Billy Joel’s The Stranger album.  It was from a guy named John Nichols at Kemper. Usually he would drive me out to the farm so we had about a 30 minute or so drive. I remember getting my love of Marshall Tucker from him also. Just like Mark Craft gave me my love of Jim Croce’s Photographs and Memories.
Thank  you guys. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Perception, Other People's Money & Hollywood

Perception. A new series staring Eric McCormack. After the first episode I knew how they were slanting the series. I liked that he was having conversation with his delusions. After the 4th episode, it really hit home. Big business, bad. Corporation, bad.

Coming from a family farm, my father had a sizable stock portfolio. I also learned to learn land. But you can't dig up a pound of dirt and take it and buy a loaf of bread.  We as a human race have evolved from simple hunter and gathers. And simple farming. Just like the newspapers. If you over-extend yourself, you will end u in a bad position. but the evil corporations offered us or .  I am not saying there aren't bad corporations out there, but not every corporation is inherently bad. Just like not everybody is bad. 

Another favorite of mine is Other People's Money. That movie actually proved something, and its funny that it was made by Hollywood. The premise is that this little wire and cable company is debt free. The bad guy, DeVito is buying the stock, he then plans on getting control and selling it off to make the most money. But its not like he gets all that money; the stock holders get that from the price going up and such. Gregory Peck, the owner makes a stirring speech at the shareholder's meeting. Then its Devito's turn. After a little condescending remarks about his foe, he says something that I think was meant to be the typical bad guy speech, but it is the best speech I have ever heard about what is going. He says yes he can get more money doing what he plans, but then, thats why the shareholders invested; to make money. Thats why you do that.  It would be the same if you went to casino and gambled and then complained that you didn't make any money. You are investing in the hope you make money. Do people only invest in companies that are good? No. A company has many layers and as a 'person' grows and evolves. Like you. You make friends. Not all your friends are 100% good. Some are reckless. They tend to be fun. Some are very stable and down to earth. They can be boring. The majority are just like you and me.

Having businesses in this day and age, I have had corporations that have 'lived.' Simply put, you do that to protect yourself. That way if you get a whacko who stumbles over a piece of carpet that had started to come up and you didn't get around to fixing it and they fall and bruise their ego and want to sue; they sue the corporation and you don't loose everything you worked for.

Its all on how they are used or abused. If people took responsibility for their own actions and were a little nicer and not greedy s.o.b.s, maybe someone who spills their McDonalds coffee and then sues, we wouldn't be in this position.

Perception seems to do the every other episode they will beat you over the head with the 'bad' guys. And even his character's name; Pierce, reminds me of Alan Alda's character from MASH. Another bleeding heart. There was one episode where they even shoved it in his face and he wouldn't see it. They had saved a female North Korean woman who had tried to kill some soldiers. They had brought her in and there was a South Korean officer waiting for her release. Of course Pierce and Honeycut, both of whom I can't even see without wondering why I even thought I lied this series, were trying to save her by sneaking her out. The South Korean officer caught them and he took charge of her. Pierce tried to plead with them. She starts to tell them that yes, she did indeed try and kill one of the soldiers in the hospital and she would do it again if possible. Of course this infuriates the two doctors and they start to rush the officer. Luckily his two MPs have M-1 and cock and train them on the two pill pushers, which of course stops them in their elf righteous., in their minds, attack.Liberal Democrats hate having the truth shoved in to their faces. Of course they will say the same about Conservative Republicans. If you are good enough, anyone can make anything into the truth any more. Percentages and facts and figures can be twisted to say whatever you want.

Back to my original rant; Perception is interesting, just recognize the biases. I like anyone who talks to himself, even if he is obviously nuts. But Hollywood; what ain't fruits and nuts is flakes, in my opinion. Personally I thought Jeff Goldblum did a much better and funnier job in Raines; as in my opinion, this is just a bad re-do of that great series. Unfortunately Raines only lasted 7 episodes. And there was no political agenda. Probably why it only lasted 7 episodes.

Friday, January 18, 2013

We Are Kemper

At Kemper, we had a tradition to uphold.  We had cadets who knew misery, hunger and fatigue. But together we found out what we were capable of. We have learned our weaknesses, not many know theirs. They’ve never been forced or pushed hard enough to find out. We have. We have found that the only limitations are the ones the mind sets. As leaders we must know our own limitations and those we lead. We’ve proven to ourselves that we can drive on through anything to accomplish the mission; be they military ones or civilian. To be proud but also humble.  We became family; we stood alone, together.

We are Kemper. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Religion of D & D

While I was working at the Columbia Missourian, which is owned by the University of Missouri, I checked to see what I needed to finish my degree. I only needed two courses, so I took them. One of the courses was a religions course. For our final paper we had to prove or disprove a group was or was not a religion. My instructor luckily was also into sci fi and fantasy, so I joked that I would write and disprove that Dungeons and Dragons was not a religion. But as I started my research I realized that it was actually harder to disprove that D & D was not a religion, so I wrote the paper as to prove it was a religion. 

I am a Christian and do not in any way think D & D is a religion any more than some people say a sport is their religion. I thought I wrote a good paper. My instructor must have thought so too as I got an "A" for the class. I find it interesting in all the years I attended UMC the only 2 "A"s I ever got was Acting for Non-Majors and this religions class. 

Here is my paper. Please remember, I wrote this more as a way to get a good grade. I do not believe that D and D or any role playing game has any religious signification. They are just a fun way to pass time, like going to a movie. 

The Dice Never Lie: Why Dungeons and Dragons Is A Religion
 Dungeons and Dragons are many things to many people. From movies and books to the church and political pulpit, the question of what Dungeons and Dragons (D and D) has been debated and vilified. This paper will only focus on whether D and D meets the requirements for it to be considered an authentic religion tradition according to one of the five definitions of religion we were working with in class.  I will use Catherine Albanese’s Definition of Religion to prove D and D is a religion; “a system of symbols (creed, code, cultus) by means of which people (a community) orient themselves in the world with reference to both ordinary and extraordinary powers, meanings and values…From the perspective, while many people live without Gods, nobody lives without religion.” 
 “A set of dice for each player” (WOTC). Dice are needed whenever you want to do something or something is done to you in the game. They could also be considered ‘yardsticks’ to compare when you do something.  For the majority of role play games, dice are used as a ‘Murphy’ factor. This would be similar to ‘why things happen.’ It’s just the roll of the dice. 
Some view fantasy gamers as not being in touch with reality. Gary Alan Fine states “Fantasy gamers are not psychotic-their fantasies are systematic, logical and realistic to the assumptions they make. Further, unlike participants in delusional systems, gamers have little difficulty switching from fantasy to reality.” (Fine, 12). Although fantasy gamers know where fantasy ends and reality begins, they of course would love to get lost in their world. In Wishing It To Be True, gamers playing D and D find a magical Ring of Wishes and wish themselves into their game world. “Almost always, the personalities of the characters turn out to be combinations of people’s idealized alter egos, and their less-than-ideal impulses: (Holmes, 1980).
            Though D and D has only been around (1973) a relatively short time, games have always been a part of the human experience. Culture and time have served to modify and change games, but there was always a winner and loser. As society changed, more emphasis were placed on delving into the reason people do things, and some took the position “that man is both a game-playing and a game-creating animal, that his capacity to create and play games and take them deadly serious is of the essence, and that it is through games or activities analogous to game playing that he achieves a satisfactory sense of significance and a meaningful role” (Long 252).  Mankind has always favored games.
D and D does fit that part of the definition of “a system of symbols”. There are many books from the company who owns D and D, Wizards of the Coast (WOTC).  Other companies have sprung up to piggy-back onto D&D’s success. This is similar to how other religions of Christianity started. There are offshoots such as the Church of Christ and Foursquare Gospel. Both have their roots in Christianity, but have charted their own path.  
            This idea of a fantasy realm is one of the reasons that many play D&D. The same reason that many join the SCA – Society for Creative Anachronisms. It suspends disbelief. You believe. Isn’t the basic tenant of any religion, faith? 
            Some things orient people in the fantasy world. Small painted figures, paper, pencil, dice and books. Couple this with history or legend, movies and books, and you produce an environment that people want to inhabit. This is a hobby that helps people enjoy some control and fun, when they have to deal with harsh reality. Everyone needs something.
Albanese says, “while many people live without Gods, nobody lives without religion.” Man may live without many things, but must have something to derive joy from, or what is the use of living?  People who play D and D find not only pleasure but also ways to think outside the box when dealing with issues in real life. While you can’t use a battle axe against the IRS, you can haggle over goods or service.
            D and D evolved from the game Chainmail designed by E. Gary Gygax in 1968. Its focus was primarily as a war game. It was slow to catch on, but when it did, gave Gygax enough confidence to want to make this his living. But it wasn’t until Gygax met with Dave Arneson at a war gaming convention when history was made.
            Arneson had come up with variations in the original game. What made Arneson’s idea unique was    that the players kept what they got from one game to another, instead of starting over. Together they formed a partnership. “The game first appeared at the 1973 EasterCon, had a limited availability throughout 1973,   and was officially released (in a white box) in January, 1974” (Darlington).
            So the word of D and D had been written, modified, and then approved for general release. Today  D and D is on its 4th edition, but there are some who refuse to accept it. This is also similar to many religions   when people try to ‘modernize’ the Bible or to ‘interpret’ what was meant. Look at the Amish. But, there    are some who stay true to the original both in religion and in gaming. There are gamers who refuse to play    anything but the original in the little white boxes. This is their D and D.
            Gygax was once quoted in Dragon magazine saying that if you didn’t play it [D and D] his way, you   weren’t playing “real” D and D.  When that came out, there were the faithful who rallied to his defense saying he was right. After all, wasn’t he “the grandfather” of role play games? Others choose to ignore it. The argument could be made that the original had rules that people choose to ignore. Or in later editions, those rules were lessened. Such as in the Bible where it forbade the eating of shellfish. Now, some modern Judism groups     allow it. Back in earlier editions, the players had level and class restrictions; certain races could only be certain classes and could only go so high. In the later editions, restrictions were eliminated.
            No matter what, D and D has outlasted its creator and has continued to grow and spread.  As we learned in class, how a religious movement functions after the creator leaves is important.  D and D is still here 
The current owner of D and D is the WOTC game company, which bought it in 1997. They have expanded on this with plastic figures and much more accessories than Gygax could have envisioned. Much more use of figurines and computers, which were not prevalent when the original was made. Similarities to the arguments that they didn’t have Facebook back in Jesus’s day. D and D 4th edition supposedly ‘streamlines’ and brings a new group of people to play that wasn’t playing before. They have lost some of their old followers, who see this new edition as pandering to the World of Warcraft computer crowd and also a way to make money as you have to buy the new editions to stay current.  This is similar to modernizing the bible to appeal to the younger audience. And yet - “At the highpoint of the TSR Empire, the TSR Castle stood in its majestic glory in the center of the Mecca Dealer's room, dominating the landscape and the competition” (1). 
               Going to church and going to game with a group of people are also similar. Both usually happen respectively every week. Grouping of players outside local clubs was at one time brought under the banner  of the Role Playing Game Association (RPGA) a subset of TSR. This was a way to be ranked as a Player    (PC) and a Dungeon Master (DM). The higher your level the better you were (supposedly). This was similar to Scientology.  You had to pay to play in tournaments. You were judged and ranked to see if you were     good enough to go higher. Like Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks, D and D has famous people who are also players. Actors Robin Williams, Stephen Colbert, Elijah Wood, and Wil Wheaton and pro basketball player Tim Duncan are players. Vin Diesel was on the Conan O’Brien show and he mentioned that he had been playing for over 24 years. 
            Where can you find D and D today? It is worldwide. It has been translated into many languages like any good religion. And the D and D holy days would be the main yearly convention, GenCon. But there is a convention held somewhere in the world every weekend. GenCon is the world’s largest gaming convention and also where new games are premiered. Originally it was started by Gygax in Lake Geneva, WI. But when it outgrew its small beginnings, he moved it to The Mecca Center in Milwaukee. Every year this event attracts tens of thousands of people.
               Like other burgeoning religions, D and D has had its controversies. Most famously was the suicide of Irving “Bink” Pulling in 1982. His mother then started B.A.D.D. (Bothered about Dungeons and Dragons). And like many other ‘anti-‘ groups, she and others started to crop up as an expert on D and D. “RPGs have been accused of many things, including the teaching of demonology, witchcraft, voodoo, murder, rape, blasphemy, suicide, assassination, insanity, sexual perversion, homosexuality, prostitution, Satan worship and necromantics” (Robie).   B.A.D.D. also claimed that there were increases in gamer’s suicide, murdering and Satanism. But after a while, when their ‘facts’ were examined closely, no link between D and D and teen suicides were found. This study was conductive by the American Association of Suicidology, The Center for Disease Control and Health and Welfare. While some have tried to use the D&D Defense (D and D made me do it!), as of this time no civil or criminal case in which this was used as a defense has ever succeeded.
               While D and D meets Albanese’s definition, so too does any role play game. That is because a role play game actually lets you be someone else. There are beliefs, myths, rituals, texts and many things that make up religion, and make up mankind; just like what makes up Player Character (PCs) for the games. 
               D and D has also survived after the loss of its creator both in the gaming industry and in his passing. It has had its high and low moments. There are celebrities who play it and others who want it destroyed. Amazing since D and D started out as a war game system. 
               In conclusion, as we learned in class, for a group to be taken as a religion, it must identify itself.   While I have shown how D and D can fit the definition of a religion, it is clearly not. Nor has it ever portrayed its self as one. Some people do play it religiously, and are loyal to its tenants. So I guess it does have some undertones to it. 
               D and D is a role play game that lets you escape reality for a brief period of time. It’s also a social game, with historic overtones. It’s a teaching game that helps people learn about math through rolling dice. It is a game where there is no winner or loser. It’s weird. Just like the five definitions of religion, what D and D is about is also difficult to put into words. 

Works Cited
Darlington, Steve. A History of Role-Playing.  Places to go, People to Be. Feb 1998. 1 Mar 2009.   Web.
Fine, Gary Alan. Shared Fantasy – Role Playing Games as Social Worlds. Chicago/London:
     University of Chicago Press, 1983. Print.
Holmes, J. Eric. Fantasy Role Playing Games.  New York: Hippocrene Press, 1981. Print.
Holmes, J. Eric. “Confessions of a Dungeon Master.” Psychology Today Nov 1980: 84-94. Print.
Robie, Joan Hake.  The Truth About Dungeons and Dragons.  Pennsylvania: Timelee Books.
     1991. Print.
Schick, Lawrence.  Heroic Worlds, A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games. New York:
     Promethius Books. 1991. Print.
Long, Norton L. “The Local Community As An Ecology of Games.” The American Journal of
     Sociology. 64.3 (1958): 251-256. Print
Waldron, David. “Role-Playing Games and the Christian Right.” Everything Dungeons and
     Dragon. ver. 05/23/2004. Web.
Wizards of the Coast. Player’s Handbook v.3.5. Washington: Wizards of the Coast. 2003. Print.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Four gifts + 1

Even though Christmas is over, I found this a few years ago and thought it was a great idea. The only thing I would change would be to add one more; something you made.

Four Gifts!

A number of years ago when my youngest child of six children was 10 or 11, I was driving myself crazy trying to buy everything on
her very lengthy Christmas list.  I wanted to be a good parent and give my child the desires of her heart.

In the midst of all of this, a friend told me that he and his wife buy their children four gifts for Christmas every year.

Yes, FOUR gifts!

They are:

1. Something you want
2. Something you need
3. Something to wear and
4. Something to read.

If they complain, ask them, "Whose birthday are we celebrating?"

Once I started doing this, I thought my children would be awful about it, but the opposite happened.  They really appreciated every gift they got, and they made me "label" them.

Since that time, Christmas at our house has been so much more enjoyable because we could focus on the true meaning of the celebration, and I wasn't driving myself crazy trying to find and buy gifts I couldn't afford.

And yes, I still buy and label four gifts for them each year.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

If you like Pina Coladas...

The Pina Colada Song (Escape) Love this song, besides the song and the music, it brings back memories of when I was growing up. There was a restaurant in Glasgow called “Diamond Jim’s.” Besides it being called ‘Jim,’ it also had good prime rib. I remember going there with family and friends from Kemper. On my birthday, we’d go there and I’d get the prime rib. I remember that my mom had never had a Pina Colada, and ordered one after hearing the song. I even had a taste of it. I always liked going there with my friends as it was ‘grown up’ to sit and eat and talk. Great memory of that; from the prime rib to the pina colada drink and the song.

It almost seems like that's another person's memory. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Battleship movie review

Battleship. Just the name alone has me asking questions. How could they turn one of my favorite childhood games into a movie? How are they going to use battleships, since they are no longer part of the U.S. Navy? And then: How awesome is this movie going to be?

If you want a deep plot and reality, then stay away. In this movie I can point to all the inconsistencies myself and don’t need or want you doing it. Just sit and enjoy.

This has two very important, to me, subliminal points, that I wonder if anyone will pick up on. One; the use of disabled veterans. There was a line in the movie when this disabled vet is talking about staying, fighting the aliens, a scientists asks, who talks like that? A similar response could have been said about a line from We Were Soldiers. Who talks like that? Members of the military, that’s who. They talk like that because they believe that. No matter what your liberal loving minds think. But I digress. This point was the use of a disabled vet, who still had more than enough fight left in him. Just because they lose a limb or two; if they can still do everything they did before, let them continue to serve if that’s what they want. When you have someone as passionate as that, why put them out to pasture? I just learned that the person who plays the disabled vet, was actually a real colonel and heads up the wounded warrior program. No wonder it worked to have someone like him being in that role.

The second point was the use of ‘veteran’ vets. The men who served aboard the battleship. That was one of the things that I had initial problems with from the previews. There are no active battleships in the U.S. Navy.  Where the hell were they going to get one? Well they did. And I am so proud to see who they got. It was so appropriate.

This movie is a good movie. Not a great one nor a crappy one. A good solid movie. But there were some questions I thought about the aliens they never answered. But then, it never was really about the aliens, It was about some high action and a lot of firepower. Then there was the suspending of time. Things happened fast. The redemption of the main character was good. This was a good film to showcase the surface navy from a smaller ship stand point, then transitioning to the ‘big boys.’

Though Liam Neeson’s name is on this movie, he is definitely in a lesser role here. The main role is Taylor Kitsch who was in Friday Night Lights. He does a credible job here. And their support actors and actresses are fantastic here also.  I loved Jesse Plemons as Boatswain Mate Seaman Jimmy 'Ordy' Ord.  He grew on me.

And one of the alien weapons was shaped like the pegs from the old Battleship game which i thought was a nice nod to the game.  

Trying to review a movie and not give away the scenes that I loved is difficult. The premise is simple: we send out a message to space. Aliens show up. Battle in sues. Along the way the hero grows up and saves the day. 

3 stars (out of 5)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Another dream...

Had a dream last night; and of course by now its faded away. But I do remember it had a Kemper buddy of mine in it. So I shot him a note via Facebook to see how he was doing. Just on the off chance something was wrong. Nope, he was fine. Still glad I connected, you can never tell.

Its colder these past few days, dropped 30 degrees. Suppose to be warmer by the middle of the week. But what amazes me is I remember when snow lasted from October through to March. I remember it snowing on Easter and Halloween. Do I blame global warming; nope. I figure its just our planet evolving not to mention we have more people, more structures, we are doing more in the sky....

I think people want to change history so they can feel better about themselves. Don't get me wrong, us humans have screwed each other over, but no race, culture or sex has a corner market. The American Indians used to fight each other all the times. White traders bought slaves from the black tribes in Africa. Women are killing their babies for no good reason. Not picking on any group, these are facts.No matter how you sugar coat it or explain things after-yes, the Indians ended up on reservations. The slavery issue continued until after the Civil War. Woman are found to have post pardum depression. I've never fought and killed anyone for land. I have never owned a slave and I have never had a baby. I feel bad for the ancestors of those races, but today's American Indian and America black man are free to do what they want to achieve their goals. As is any American woman. The past is the past. Remember it? Sure. So we make sure not to repeat it. But to try and change it or make others now pay for the sins of the father, is not the way. Martin Luther King had a dream that all men lived as equal. Not any kind of repayment for previous sins. The American Indians have taught us that we need to respect the land, but the time they lived in and whats going on now are different. Still we can help with our carbon foot print on the earth. What works for one, may not work for another. Like religion. I agree we should try and get along. But you know there are going to be some who feel they are entitled to things. Either the very poor or the very rich. You are entitled with what the creator gave us; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, you choose to be happy. No one else can do that for you. It is truly your attitude determines your altitude.

Just my opinion, on my blog.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Chocolate Dice and more!

I have a dear friend who is one of my 'sisters.' She was the first girl of my gaming group back in '84. I was a groomsman at her wedding as her husband is also a gamer. I have stayed in touch with her ever since. She sends me CARE packages around Easter and also Christmas. This last Christmas she sent me a package with blessed dice 'via KODT and Eric Mora of Pathfiner.' That made my day.  A friend in my current gaming group gave me dice made out of chocolate. It was great-and tasted good.  As a gamer we are pretty easy to by for/ And another friend in the group gave me a Warehouse 13 t-shirt.  Us gamers tend to be fairly easy. I wanted to thank them as gifts like that tend to mean more.

Friday, January 11, 2013

I was lucky.

I was lucky at times. As I look back on parts of my life I can also see how stupid I was on some things. A prime example on being more lucky than good was when I opened my first store.

I had met the owner of a hobby store in Jefferson City due to a friend from Kemper, (Leif). As I talked with him; he was great guy, a retired vet, he said he was thinking of opening another store. I told him he should open one in Columbia. He said he didn't know anything about Columbia. I told him, yeah but I did. So we became partners.

I opened TPS Games Crafts and Hobbies in October of 1989 at 27 North 10th Street. I had always known that if I had ever opened a store in Columbia it would be in 'North Village.' In the early 70's on KRCG TV out of Jefferson City, on Saturday nights at 11:15, after only 15 minutes of news and Star Trek episode, there would be Tales of Terror. A local horror show hosted by one of the anchors (which I didn't know til 30 years later when he retired and they posted it). They would show old horror shows like The Creature from the Black Lagoon. But their sponsors were stores from North Village in Columbia. North Village Sub Shop, Aardvarks, Cork and Dart Pub, The Nostalgia Shop are just a few I remember. When I got to Columbia, I realized that area was where the '60's rejects' were. My name for the hippie culture. Not bad people, just usually different ideas. At the time it still had that feel. It was a small community within the downtown.

Anyway, I got the store front and we moved stock and some shelving in. My first counter was an old counter that had been left there by the previous business. It wasn't exactly the most solid or level, but it would do. As time went on, I fixed the store up. I laid new carpet, as the old carpet was frayed and there were tile sections so it was exactly uniform. I took out some walls to a storeroom that was weirdly constructed to open up a bit more space, put peg boards up and some direct lightening. Had new shelving made and a dam near bomb proof "L" front counter on wheels. Luckily I had friends who knew how to build and helped me. One thing; I did all of this without checking with my landlord. I don't know if I could or couldn't, I just did it. The old adage of its easier to ask forgiveness that ask permission was well into play. Luckily nothing bad came of it. I don't know if the landlord knew or care. Or maybe I impressed him with who I was and how I ran a business. Probably a combination of all of that. I had no store experience but knew what I liked and how I wanted to be treated. I tried all kind of advertising, and I know I did things that business owners and professionals would look at me in aghast. And that's ok. At the time, for me, it worked.  I loved that store and definitely put blood, sweat, tears and money into it. That a big regret I have when I sold it to my manager.

when I bought out my partner I changed the name to The Cheshire Cat. There's a story there too. When I was at Kemper... yeah get used to that phrase, during my first year, there was store in Boonville called The Cheshire Cat. It was a small book store that also carried some Avalon Hill games. A beautiful little store. On one of the front doors they had even a glass etching of the Cheshire Cat. I remember that so well, as that was where I would go on the few occasions I left campus. It only lasted a year or so but impressed me that I knew that I would call my store that if I ever opened one.

So years later, I have my store. Then I sold it and all the crap happened in my life. At one time in the Columbia Mall there was an independent book store called Columbia Books. They eventually moved out of the mall and down town. I re-opened The Cheshire Cat during my second marriage on 126 South 9th Street. I knew a lot of the people working at Columbia Books as I loved books and that store. So I was talking with one of the ladies in there and mentioned I was re-opening my store, The Cheshire Cat. She said there was an older lady that worked in the store that had a shop in Boonville called The Cheshire Cat a long time ago. I told her that was where I came up with the name! I got to meet her and tell her how much I loved her store and why I had named my store that. She was a lovely lady. A few years later she passed away I am sorry to say. I was so glad to be able to tell her why I named my store and to meet her and I know that The Cheshire Cat's name lives on with many of my former customers. That legacy I am very proud of!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Live. Life. Your. Way.

Just got done re-watching the series Trauma. It only lasted one season, but I enjoyed it. It was more about the people than it was the medical emergency. One of the main characters, Nancy, helped a woman who had stage-4 cancer. As she was treating her in her home, she looked around at everything; sand from all the beaches, pictures of her doing things, art work, etc. You could tell it was affecting her. Then she started remembering her mother who never went any further than Canada or Mexico. And that got me thinking.

People think they have to back pack the beaches of Viet Nam or travel to Europe to have lived. To be happy. That's an illusion in my opinion. Just like with me and joining the military. Something stops you. If you do it, do it. Just like Yoda says, 'There is no try, only do.' 

It  took me a long time to realize I was going in the direction I was suppose too; and the only person I could blame was me. Good or bad,  I owned the highs and lows. 

Now, with everything that has happened to me in the last 14 years; I think I am a much more laid back person. I have faced bankruptcy, death, disowned, disgraced (in my opinion) divorced, and whole bunch of other 'd's I am sure. In some ways I have been lucky. In my younger days I got to really live, and now I have my memories to entertain me while I slog through the rough patches. I did more before I was 30 than most people will ever do. I made it to Europe. I made it to Hawaii. I visited Canada and many many places here in the USA. I lead people. I personally know prominent people and many others who I am in awe and love and respect as I know the journey they have taken. I know people in many countries and call them friend though I haven't seen them in 30 years. I am very lucky. I have seen people at their best and worst. I have accomplished things; I climbed Diamond head on my birthday. I have had my words published as well as being a professional photographer (yes, I actually got paid to take pictures). I have lived. 

Is it the life I had wanted? No. At one time I had wanted to be so many things... dam my ADHD.. but thats BS, in my case. Its like looking at a buffet and trying to decide what you want. You won't know until you try a little of everything. Thats how I am looking at life. I have tried, still trying, a little bit of everything. I always said I hated to be bored and thats why I would stuff a paperback book in the bell of my sousaphone so I could read as the band waited during parade practice. 

I have known good people who died too soon and also passed on their own terms. I own my life. No one else does. Is it better to be respected or loved? You can respect someone without knowing or loving them. But can you love someone without respect? Not much of a relationship or love if you do, in my opinion. 

When I worked for Domino's in Boonville I got a chance to be on the other end of the pizza box, where as before I was the one ordering the pizza. You become invisible. But I want to share some instances. 

Usually on a Sunday night we would get this call for pizza from this one house. They were definitely low income. But I remember the first time I delivered to them; it was a summer night and they just had the screen door closed so I could hear them when I approached. When I knocked they said come on in. There were 3 or 4 of them sitting on a couch counting nickles, dimes and quarters. I then heard one of the ladies say to make sure there was enough for a tip. They chatted me up, asking my name and saying they were hurrying. They were very nice. I think I got a dollar or two tip. But what I came away from that was much more. They had wanted to make sure that their delivery driver got a tip, when they could have just paid what was owed. I really wouldn't have blamed them as you could tell they were making or barely making it. From then on, whenever I got a delivery to them I made sure they were the first place I stopped if I had more than one. They earned my respect and I made sure I took care of them. Not for any other tip, but because they understood and were trying. Trust me; you treat people in the food service industry good, especially if you are a repeat customer. 

A second trip; I took a bunch of pizzas to one of the nicest and biggest house around; sat way back off the road, landscaped, multiple vehicles, boat, etc. Mucho Money. When I delivered the pizzas, the lady gave me a check for the exact amount and never said more than 2 words to me. That stayed with me also. 

Finally I delivered pizza to one of the hotels. There was some girl's school track team or something staying and had ordered. I got my money and a note. I don't know if the girls were just playing or serious or what but it made my night. They said in the note thank you and that I was 'fine.' Please. I was old enough to be any of their fathers. It was funny and cute and made my night go by faster. 

All these thing and many more are things I have learned. It has made me who I am and got me where I am. If I suddenly took off for the beaches of Viet Nam or Thailand, then that's what I was supposed to do at that time. I have no desire to do that. But there are other things that I could do, that may or may not seem odd. Leaving mid-Missouri might have seen odd to some; they couldn't believe I did it. But it was time. 

I learned not to dwell on things that might have been. I either did or did not. I am me. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Normal. Whats that? In this day and age that goes through a lot of interpretation. I was never normal some would say. Not in a bad way or a weird way, I just marched to the beat of my own drum. Example; back in grade school I would read Star Trek books on the bus. That doesn't sound bad. Yeah but think of the time, this was the early 70s. Star Wars hadn't made liking science fiction chic. Heinlein. Clark. Tolkein. Burrows. Poe. Classics. At my small town school I was made fun of because of my interest. Bullied even. I won 1st place at my 8th grade science fair for my display on the Bermuda Triangle. I loaned all my Bermuda Triangle books to a pretty high school senior girl I barely knew. Yeah a pretty face can always make me do things. But thats normal.

At Kemper I was accepted for who I was. My honor. My loyalty. It didn't matter as I found others who liked the same thing. I found others who didn't. I found others who introduced me to other things; music, food, from where they were from.

As I got older I also found many who tried to re-write their younger history. Not me. People say I live in a fantasy world for liking my fantasy role play games or Star Trek. But I don't try to be someone I'm not nor live a life I didn't live. Remember, I know where the bodies are buried; in other words I remember how you were. Normal is boring.

Life is meant to be lived. You should slide into the last years of your life and by the time they lower you in the ground, it should be like when you slow down and come to a stop after riding a roller-coaster. How you act on the roller coaster is what you will remember and how you will be remembered. You can't change it. Good or bad. That's who you are.

Me? Normal? In this day and age I am some what normal. My 'more' normal friends would still just shake their head, but they know and accept me.

I know when they get their Starfleet Communiuqe they will think of me. Especially if they were deployed and everyone in their unit knew they were in Starfleet when they would get it during mail call and everyone in their unit gave them crap for it. And if they run for any office in Texas and are asked how long they have been in Starfleet, they will think of me.  Hey. Us non-normal guys have to get our fun where we can.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Daddy Dearest

My roomate from Kemper's daughter is engaged. They are my 'nieces'/God-Children...haven't seen them in years but stay in touch via FB. In any case, God gave him daughters for all his old wild and wolley ways, but he and his wife did a great job with them.  Can't wait til he becomes 'grandpa.'

But that got me thinking. As I said, music is the soundtrack of my life, and songs take us back to a time and place. For me to think about him will always bring to mind "Thunder Island" by Jay Ferguson. The reason is that was the song that was playing once when we G.I ed our room for an inspection. It was a Saturday morning and we were living on first floor K barracks in a room that in the winter time was so warm we had to open the window. In any case, that song was playing on KDBX, the local Boonville radio station. I don't know if it played every time we cleaned, but I remember that time; coming through my clock radio.

He was like Robin Williams in his young days. He was the big brother I never had; I wanted to be like him. He was part of the 18th ABN. Served in Germany and Desert Storm. I really wanted to do the things he did, and be like him at one time. He seemed fearless; still is I guess. 

But that was then and this is now. The song always brings a smile to my face as I can still smell the Windex and Pine Sol.  A great song to clean too.

Monday, January 7, 2013

I'd recognize that face anywhere!

Even after 30 years there are some people I can recognize anywhere. A prime example was a few years ago a guy came up to me at a reunion. Sidled is the best way and he was looking at me and started to say,
I bet you don't remember..."

"Wait a minute," I said. I looked at him and replied, "Reuben Makekau."

"Wow," he said. "Even the first name."

There are some people you never forget. also, he looked exactly how he did 30 years ago. A bit of silver in the hair, and maybe a few lines, but I'd have known him anywhere. Also, he will always look like he did from way back then. There are just some people you never forget.

When I'm with these people that I first met in my young and formidable teenage years, I see how they were then. Bunch will always be Bunch. I would recommend he keep his hat on as he is lacking in the hair department. But to me he will always have that curly blond hair. Not to mention, he is truly one of the most professional trumpet players I have ever seen. He had band camp stories way before the guy who wrote American Pie even knew how to write. The same with George. Most professional trombone player I have ever known. It was an honor, privilege and a joy to play with them. George will always be George; his height is the most memorable and that damnable smile of his. One of the quickest wist I have ever know. Both of those guys I consider closer than brothers, that what Kemper did, And I could not forget them.

Now some of the younger guys who may have only been there a year or two... yeah might take me longer. And then there are some of their voices. Garret, when he showed up at my second weekend, I didn't recognize him initially as it had been a few years, he had put on a few pounds and was wearing glasses. But as soon as he opened his mouth, I immediately knew. Hard to hide that Texas drawl of his.

Wilkey... can't  forget him or his voice.

That's why I hate Alzheimer's.  You get robbed of the memories of people, places and things that are important and special.

I'm not sure how the guys remember me; I know that I may look similar and at time behave similar. But time has taken a toll.

Thanks for the memories.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Music is the soundtrack of my life

What makes a person who they are? Is it one singular incident, that 'turning point' in someones life or are they multiple ones? Or is a person just born a certain way; nature vs nurture? Or does it really matter?  For me, I believe in the cause and affect rule. Something happened, whether once or more than once and that elicited an effect.

My musical tastes might be a good example. I love the 70s and 80s music. Thank goodness for satellite radio! I am listening to a Chicago song. And as Brian and I once discussed, Chicago is or was Peter Cetera. Though the Chicago sound is more brass; as long as they had a good singer who could carry the melody, I might actually argue that the real Chicago music is that. I have the compilation of all their songs and I have heard songs of theirs that I am not a fan of. There are very few groups/singers that I like everything they do. Lets see; Barry Manilow, Rocket Kirschner (local Columbia guy), Joshua Kadison, Jim Croce, John Denver and England Dan and John Ford Coley to name a very few. I can honestly say with EDJFC I like 99.9% of everything they put out that I have heard. And as far as I know, I discovered them on my own. The radio helped no doubt, but I think I went out and got their albums and then I would share them with people who were special to me so the bond grew. Another group would be the Eagles.

I liked the Eagles when I heard them; One of these Nights, Desperado, Tequila Sunrise, Hotel California...but I also remember Bunch having one of those 8-track players, with a handle on the top that you would hit to advance the track. I remember he had that and either Hotel California or The Long Run. Just like Carol, my first Sunday School teacher/youth leader, whatever... but she had a blue Firebird with t-tops. I remember when the youth group went camping at the camp ground (now gone) at Rocheport. and she had a  Doobie Brothers cassette. I remember then going with my dad to a Radio Shack where I got a cassette player and 2 cassettes. One was Doobie Brothers - Taking It To The Street. The other was a Helen Reddy one. Talk about two very different groups.

I remember Nichols from Kemper, riding with him and his homemade cassettes; Marshall Tucker Band and Billy Joel. Craft got me into Jim Croce - Photograph and Memories.

Just like there are songs that go with certain people. I hope we all have that. A song will take you to a time and place long ago. And while that song maybe playing at another time, there will return you to a time that is never forgotten with people no longer here at places that are gone. And you will remember.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Idiots Guide to James

I was hoping to make this a manual about me. You know the Book of...

Looking back on some of my posts, is a pretty good idea. There are things I see, things I hear or remember, and want to share or write down or want to tell someone. But things sound better in my head; ideas and notions play out so much better in the fictional world of my brain.

Like seeing John Larroquette on an old episode of The West Wing. Also many familiar faces who I remember from other series or movies that I loved. Night Court of course is where he got his big break. But also he had his own show; The John Larroquette Show. Man, I loved that show. Great characters, funny stuff. I found many episodes on line. I also realized when it stopped being funny for me, was when he was ready to marry Carly but his ex shows up at the church to tell him shes pregnant with his baby. That got too soap operary for me.

Then he has been McBride, as a lawyer on some Hallmark shows. No matter what, I love his voice, mannerisms... while he may play many roles, I think he is always playing himself. That's why the characters are so relatable and believable as they are him.

A new year. New thoughts? New ideas? New direction; I hope so. Yet I like the past. I have always been a big believer in remembering those that went before us, as we stand on the shoulders of giants. As each generation comes and goes we loose something. They forget who came before thinking that Theirs was the best.

I am not really sure what generation I am from and frankly don't care. Is mine the best? Its the best for me; the times I lived in are the best and the worst. When they are gone they will be gone forever. Maybe some pictures will be left; memories of people who knew and cared for me. But that will last as long as they are around just as there are people who are gone but live on in my mind. Heck, even the illustrious and all knowing Internet may not keep things alive forever.

Heck maybe Jesus does need to come back so we can wrap things up. I believe that once this life/earth is over, God, the great and powerful and immortal DM, will start a new world. The basic ideas will remain but the outcome and people will always be different.

Maybe this time I can help the clouds with the rain or be a guardian angel or maybe even be Santa Claus. Who knows. Thats the beauty and the mystery of life. and it can all be over quickly. so we should remember our past. Maybe thats why thing happened; I had my desert, my meal and now I'm paying for it. But I have my memories for now and that helps some in making it through the day. As C.W. McCall once said, "Life is a collection of memories; and memories are like star-light, they go on for ever."


Friday, January 4, 2013


I had what some would call a nightmare last night. It wasn't a dream where I was the central character, so I guess it could be classified a horror movie, but not one that I would ever want to see. But now, in the wakening hours as I try and make sense of it, my brain is starting to make that dream into a kick ass story.

I don't know if I can even begin to make sense of it, but will try. At any other time I would be waking in a cold sweat. Instead this dream has left a bruise on my soul. It will fade and go away, but hurt and leave a stain until it does.

I can't describe what I saw; it was straight from a horror movie with the kind of film editing where something is far away and then it appears right in your face - like from The Ring. It was gruesome, gory,  bloody, unsettling, disturbing, unnecessary...

So let me write down what I dreamed and what my brain has started to fill in before its gone completely-like mist escaping before the dawn's light.

"Are you a Christian?"

I turn to the woman's voice and feel my eyes pop out, while trying to remain calm and find my voice. The woman was one of the most attractive women I have ever seen. Tall, with shoulder length auburn hair of reds cascade to frame a goddess face. Deep green eyes with full lips pierce my eyes, heart and every other part of me. I'm close enough to her that I inhale her scent; something light but provocative.

My eye-lids flutter as I take in her question and the sight of her. I swallow so I can find my voice and reply solidly, "Yes I am. Why?"

She smiled at me revealing white teeth, "Good! I am in need of some spiritual help and hoped you might be able to help me."

"Of course." I turned to look at the clock, I had about 10 minutes left on my shift. I was working part time at a dinner counter at a gas station while I found work. My job had 'gone away' and right now, eight bucks an hour was better than nothing.

"Ok James, you're good to go." My boss Mary said from the back office.

"Must be fate," I said to this lovely woman. Now that I had my libido in check I could be more realistic as I took off my apron.  Getting into my jacket gave me time to look at her. I would guess her age to be about 35, better dressed than most that would come in here; like she was heading out to a club or night on the town. This being four o'clock and the week between Christmas and New Year's it was highly possible.

Looking down so she wouldn't catch me checking her out, I did my own assessment. I'm almost 50 but look ten years younger. My haircut keeps the receding hair and the accumulating of silver to a minimum. Been going back to Gold's gym to loose weight and I feel better, but I am still a big guy. Zipping up my jacket I come to the conclusion that I looked 'safe' to her.

"Want to get some coffee?"

Now she looked at me the way I had been surreptitiously checking her out.

Cocking my head, "Do I still meet with your approval?" I gave her a slight smile.

Looking me straight in the eyes, "Yes, you'll do just fine."

We walked out to the parking lot. "Do you want to follow me or..."

"We can take my car."  She stopped at a 2013 Cadillac XTC. It was a dark burgundy color that complimented her hair and looked like it had driven off the show room floor.

I stopped. Remembering what my parents had always said about getting into a stranger's car, looked in the back seat; empty. I looked at the woman; she had on a stylish jacket but as far as I could tell didn't have a weapon. Finding my cell phone in my jacket I flipped a mental coin. "Ok," I said slowly.

Getting in I could still smell that new car smell.Turning over the engine she looked at me, "You're awful trusting of someone whose name you don't even know and just met."

A couple of comments went through my head.  I didn't think any would be appropriate or probably funny so I just went with a simple response as I held out my hand, "I'm James."

Blinking like a computer receiving new data she slowly extended her hand, "Eve." I think she was surprised at my introduction; obviously expecting almost anything but that.

Taking it I immediately felt a jolt of cold lighting shoot through me. Her hands were like ice. She must have noticed as she smiled and put the car in gear, "You know what they say; cold hands, warm heart."

Pulling into traffic I said, "So where would you like to go? I am still relatively new to the area, so I will have to rely on your judgement."

She seemed to find that funny and smiled, "I actually have a church I want to go to and was hoping you could go with me."


"Really. I am serious about needing spiritual help."  She kept her eyes on the road, but her face was serious.  The jazz coming out of the speakers was real jazz, not the smooth silky kind I like, but stuff that I recognize as the Memphis style. More hard is the only way I can describe.

My mind had been trying to categorize the music when I noticed we had left town and was heading along a two lane blacktop into the Kansas countryside. It was getting darker and I had no idea where we were going. I gripped my cell phone tighter and hoped I could get a signal out here. At the same time I noticed we were moving at a good speed.

"I don't have any money and if you're going to kill me, you could make it quicker with a gun that trying to scare me."

She rewarded me with a deep throaty laugh. "I'm not after money and you are relatively safe with me."

For some reason that didn't really fill me with security.

'I just want to light you up, light you up, like a fire. I just want to, turn you on, turn you on and take you higher....'  Those lyrics came on the radio and for some reason I thought it was very prophetic.

She was slowing down and turning into a parking lot when I came out of my worry. I noticed it was a church and from the sign I saw it said Eastview Methodist.

As we got out I tried to alleviate my fears, I jokingly asked, "You're not part of some devil-worshiping cult that is gonna sacrifice me."

Smiling she said, "You're not going to be sacrificed."

As I held open the door for her I felt the earth tremble and then a dump truck roared by. I shook my head, this is going to be interesting.

Looking around the vestibule, I could see through open doors the sanctuary. Eve was looking around a little apprehensive.

Seeing no one, smelling no burning incense or hearing any weird chanting I felt better. Maybe she was serious, or maybe she was the daughter or relative of someone here at church and needed someone to...

"What are you doing here?"

Coming from a side door near the pulpit was a slight man, about my age I guessed, dressed casually in jeans and sweater. He was striding forward with a such a look of disgust I was surprised.

Stepping forward, "I'm sorry Padre, the lights were on and the door was open. But look, there's no reason to..."

He moved right in front of me, but was obviously looking beyond me at Eve, "You know you are not welcome here."

Eve moved in front of James, "Look, we've got a problem. You know I wouldn't be here if there wasn't. I don't like it any more than you do."

The man looked at them and that's when James noticed his eyes. They seemed to be simmering silver and gold. He shook his head and thought it just must be the light They shimmered.

"A Balance. Of course. Thats why you brought him."

Smiling, Eve said, "He was hard to find around here."

Sighing, the man said, "Alright. What is going on that was so important you would risk this?"

Taking a tentative step forward she said, "The Two are out."

Huffing a laugh the man replied throwing up his arms, "Don't you think I know that!"

Eve continued, "Then why haven't you done anything?"

Hands on his hips he stated,"You're new."

Drawing up to her full height Eve exclaimed, "Well yes, but I don't see..."

"Excuse me," I said speaking up. "But could someone tell me whats going on and why I have to be here for this?"

They both looked as if noticing me for the first time. "You brought him, you tell him." The man said turning his back and starting to pace.

Eve turned and looked at me almost shyly before she motioned that I should sit down in one of the pews.  As I scooted over she sat down next to me and, taking breath started to tell me.

"Ok, look," she said. "I know this may be hard to believe but there is a balance in the universe. Between Good and Evil..."

"Oh yeah I am getting that from you two. Good," gesturing to the Padre who was still up front, "and Evil." Looking at her.

She smiled bashfully, "A balance between Good and Evil, except I;m not the one thats bad..."

"I'm the bad one here." The Padre yelled.

"But why..."

Cutting the question off, "Later. There is also a balance between Law and Chaos."

"Like the alignments in Dungeons and Dragons."

"Ok, if you say so," she said pushing on. "Haven't you noticed the rash of shooting? The laws getting stricter? Those are in response to those two. Good and Evil is one thing. Its either good or bad. But with those tow; stronger laws tend to be the result of chaos; whether good or bad. While humans have the choice between Good or Evil, those two..."

"Don't play by the rules! Ironic I know." The Padre said coming over to join us.

"Well why don't you do something?"

Looking exasperated  the Padre continued, "Because we really aren't suppose to. Back to the whole 'freedom of choice'," he did air quotes with his fingers.

"Then what are you two...?"

Eve took my hand and I could feel...everything in my body. Like electricity was going through my veins instead of blood. "You could say there were 'covert op' teams on each side also. We don't play well with each other as usually we are going against the other. And also it seems usually Evil has done something to try and get the upper hand..."

"Hey!" From the Padre but then he shrugged. He knew she was right.

"You see Chaos and Law can manifest themselves as Good and Evil also. Like Hitler in World War 2. Yes, he was Evil, but he was inflicted with Chaos making him more deadly and unstable. He was finally stopped."

Clearing his throat the Padre added, "And lets not forget the Salem Witch Trials. Ostensibly they were for 'Good' but Law took them beyond."

"Ok, I get while you two are talking but what am I doing here?"

The Padre looked at Eve and she continued, "You are a balance; not just between Good and Evil but also between Law and Chaos. You are all and nothing."


Sighing, "So, you are going to help the world regain it's balance."

That's basically the dream. I did take some creative license as doing the whole Priest is good, beautiful woman bad... but wanted to get the point across about Chaos and Law.