Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 117 - Track 10 Angel

Sarah McLachlan's "Angel" has two things that I think of. One, is when I was going through my first divorce, I remember hearing it and crying. I have no idea why except for the line, "in the arms of the angel, may you find some peace of mind." Also the part about Thieves and Vultures since I had just had a major life changing experience, besides my divorce.

And then the second reason; that pet video-you know, the prevention of cruelty one? They use this as the background music. OMG, I can't watch that without tearing up. Seeing the puppies and kittens that people have abused. I know, kinda of double standard; we seem immune when it comes to abuse to people (we shouldn't be), but these are animals that just know love and want to be loved. There is a difference. Humans know that humans can be assholes. A pet doesn't and trusts us completely to feed it, comfort and protect it. Like a baby. And that's why I go ballistic about child abuse. Don't get me wrong, any abuse is not right; but to a baby....that makes me want to break something; like someones face.

Anyways, that's why I have this as track 10 on my "Songs to be played at my funeral."


Spend all your time waiting

for that second chance

for a break that would make it okay

there's always some reason

to feel not good enough

and it's hard at the end of the day

I need some distraction

oh a beautiful release

memory seeps from my veins

let me be empty

oh and weightless and maybe

I'll find some peace tonight

In the arms of the angel

fly away from here

from this dark cold hotel room

and the endlessness that you fear

you are pulled from the wreckage

of your silent reverie

you're in the arms of the angel

may you find some comfort here

So tired of the straight line

and everywhere you turn

there's vultures and thieves at your back

the storm keeps on twisting

you keep on building the lies

that you make up for all that you lack

it don't make no difference

escaping one last time

it's easier to believe in this sweet madness oh

this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

In the arms of the angel

fly away from here

from this dark cold hotel room

and the endlessness that you fear

you are pulled from the wreckage

of your silent reverie

you're in the arms of the angel

may you find some comfort here

you're in the arms of the angel

may you find some comfort here

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I had to go to my own copy of the movie to get this. For some reason it has been stuck in my brain and it is NO WHERE to be found on the Net, which surprised me. For those of you who remember that great movie: Heavy Metal and of course our ever popular Captain Lincoln F. Stern. He was charged with the following:
12 counts of murder in the 1st degree
14 counts of armed theft of Federation property
22 counts of piracy in high space
18 counts of fraud
37 counts of rape
and 1 moving violation.
Least we not forget, he was also accused of the Pre-Schooler Prostitute Ring, and that he Sold Dope as a Nun, by his lackey Hanover Fist, who he was going to get paid 35,000 Zulicks to testify in his behalf.

Heavy Metal. Great movie!

Dr. Evil

The details of my life are quite inconsequential...very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius posses and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds-pretty standard really. At the age of twelve I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shaved scrotum...it's breathtaking-I highly suggest you try it.

If Patton was President

If Patton was president of the United States, this would be his fireside speech:

My fellow Americans: As you know, the defeat of the Iraq regime has been completed. Since Congress does not want to spend any more money on this war, our mission in Iraq is complete. This morning I gave the order for a complete removal of all American forces from Iraq; they will be home within 30 days. It is now time to begin the reckoning. Before me I have two lists. One list contains the names of the countries which have stood by our side during the Iraq conflict. The list is short: the United Kingdom, Spain, Bulgaria, Australia, and Poland are some of the countries listed there. The other list contains everyone not on the first list. Most of the world’s nations are on that list. My press secretary will be distributing copies of both lists later this evening. Let me start by saying that effective immediately, foreign aid to those nations on List 2 ceases immediately and indefinitely. The money saved during the first year alone will pretty much pay for the costs of the Iraqi war.The American people are no longer going to pour money into third world Hellholes and watch those government leaders grow fat on corruption. Need help with a famine? Wrestling with an epidemic? Call France.

In the future, together with Congress, I will work to redirect this money toward solving the vexing social problems we still have at home. On that note: a word to terrorist organizations. Screw with us and we will hunt you down and eliminate you and all your friends with extreme prejudice from the face of the earth. Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France, or maybe China.

I am ordering the immediate severing of diplomatic relations with France, Germany and Russia. Thanks for all your help comrades. We are retiring from NATO as well. Bon chance, mes amis. I have instructed the Mayor of New York City to begin towing the many UN diplomatic vehicles located in Manhattan with more than two unpaid parking tickets to sites where those vehicles will be stripped, shredded and crushed. I don’t care about whatever treaty pertains to this. You creeps have tens of thousands of unpaid tickets. Pay those tickets tomorrow or watch your precious Benzes, Beamers and limos be turned over to some of the finest chop shops in the world. I love New York! A special note to our neighbors. Canada is on list 2. Since we are likely to be seeing a lot more of each other, you folks might want to try not pissing us off for a change. Mexico is also on List 2. President Fox and his entire corrupt government really need an attitude adjustment. I will have a couple of extra tank and infantry divisions sitting around. Guess where I am going to put ‘em? Yep, border security. Oh, by the way, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty – starting now.

We are tired of the one-way highway. Immediately, we will be drilling for oil in Alaska – which will take care of this country’s oil needs for decades to come. If you’re an environmentalist who opposes this decision, I refer you to List 2 above: pick a country and move there. They care. It is time for America to focus on it’s own welfare and it’s own citizens. Some will accuse us of isolationism. I answer them by saying, “darn tootin.” Nearly a century of trying to help folks live decent life around the world has only earned us the undying enmity of just about everyone on the planet. It is time to eliminate hunger in America. It is time to eliminate homelessness in America. To the nations on List 1, a final thought. Thank you guys. We owe you and we won’t forget. To the nations on List 2, like a former comrade-in-arms once said, "Nuts."

God Bless America! Thank you and good night.

America Pleads Not Guilty!

Ok, this was in one of my first posts, but after some things that the President said, I think this deserves to be posted again.

America Pleads Not Guilty!

In the turmoil of the times, Americans have been inoculated with a false feeling of guilt. Some would have us believe we have failed our dreams. They call us greedy, grasping, arrogant, meddlesome...

America Pleads Not Guilty.

Mobs stone our embassies...Americans are ridiculed in foreign lands...Dissenters at home defy our laws and make mockery of our freedom. We are called selfish, smug, self-satisfied, unfair. We are told to hang our heads in guilt and shame.

America Pleads not guilty.

They call us inhumane. But when disaster strikes anywhere in the world; flood, famine, hurricane or earthquake-we are the first to offer aid. Not just sympathy, but food, clothing, medicine, money...

They call us selfish. But each year Americans contribute billions to charity...most of it dimes and dollars from average citizens.

They call us "Uncle Shylock." But what other nation in the history of the world fights and wins wars-then taxes itself to the breaking point to restore the war-torn lands of the enemies?

America Pleads Not Guilty.

Critics scoff at our New World ways. But in 200 years we have cleared a wilderness and have become the granary of the world and the arsenal of freedom.

Cynics say we are crude and uncultured. But in 200 years we have built a nation of 175,000 schools....2,200 colleges and universities....1,000 symphony orchestras....100,000 libraries.........75,000 hospitals....and 250,000 churches.

Two hundred years ago, children worked in the mines and were old at 14...criminals were dipped in vats of molten lead...citizens were chained in dungeons with no hope of a fair trial. Debtors were stripped of their freedom...No man's home was his castle. These are no more...thanks to the American Dream.

America Pleads Not Guilty.

They call us intolerant. But men of other colors and other faiths sit in our Senate and Congress, and rule from the highest judicial court in the land.

America Pleads Not Guilty.

There are 200 million Americans who have never owned a black slave, or any slave. They stem from a million ancestors who have never owned a black slave or any slave. There are 200 million Americans who have never started a war, or envied another man's land....they have never ransacked a nation, looted a stranger's home or forced any man to bow to a loser's yoke. There are 200 million Americans who have never scoffed at another's God...or defied his temples. Thousands of American soldiers are buried in foreign soil-they died fighting so others could be free. Cynics and dissenters cry: "America is through, the dream is gone."

They lie.

Millions of Americans still live with their neighbors in peaces and harmony. Millions of Americans still live with the spirit of charity, with compassion in their hearts. Millions of Americans still pray, pay taxes, obey the law and govern themselves. Cynics, scoffers, critics, say what you will about us...

America Pleads Not Guilty.

This was written by Dan Valentine in the 20th century. It is true today as when it was written. I want to write one that is updated to fit was has gone on in this 21st century. This is my America. This is my United States. I am an American, and I plead not guilty.

I am sure this is fiction, but so true!

A U.S. Navy Admiral was attending a naval conference that included Admirals from the U.S., English, Canadian, Australian and French Navies. At a cocktail reception, he found himself standing with a large group of Officers that included personnel from most of those countries. Everyone was chatting away in English as they sipped their drinks but a French admiral suddenly complained that, 'whereas Europeans learn many languages, Americans learn only English.' He then asked, 'Why is it that we always have to speak English in these conferences rather than speaking French?'

(This is pretty good!)

Without hesitating, the American Admiral replied 'Maybe it’s because the Brits, Canadians, Aussies and Americans arranged it so you wouldn't have to speak German.'

You could have heard a pin drop!

Day 112 - No apologies needed

I work in a diverse office. We have the usual mix of male to female, young, old and political persuasions. Left, right, liberal, conservative and even mixed into those, different opinions about things, so some are stereotypes when it comes to certain opinions, others aren't. I consider myself a conservative Republican on a lot of things. Not on everything, but enough to know that I will never vote for a liberal Democrat. My hot buttons have always been National Security and the Armed Forces that protect us and I am very pro gun. Aside from those two issues, I will rarely get into an argument on what I feel about economy, health, etc. as I have seen good and bad wrought on both sides when it comes to that. But without protecting our borders and ourselves, we couldn't have the time to argue about everything else.

Now the President of the United States is apologizing to France. For us being too arrogant. Metaphor: pot calling the kettle...

As anyone who has read more than two or three entries of my blog I went to a military school and I am proud of that fact. I knew men and women from all over the word who were just as proud of their country as I am of mine. We had different days to celebrate their country, since obviously we celebrate our freedoms here in the US every day. But I know of none that ever made fun of another from another country. I even had a friend from Iraq. And this was during the time of our hostage situation. We never blamed him as we knew that the reason he was here was that his parents wanted him OUT of that country, at least for a while, while all that crap was going on. Every country has done good and bad.

A few years ago Japan apologized for Pearl Harbor. Honestly, I don't think an apology was necessary. The current government was the not the same one that attacked us. There are no hard feelings. I have read where pilots from Japan have laid wreaths at the Arizona memorial. Probably for fallen comrades and to honor all who lost their lives there, one both sides. No military man who has ever been on one side of the line of fire can say that while they may not like, fear, loath, etc the person firing at them; in the same vein you understand and respect that person, as in another day you might be the one who has the advantage. Someone who fights against you, for whatever reason, has earned that right. I can't really explain it. You either understand or you don't.

But, to have the President apologize; in this case my national pride has been punched. Hey, you don't like America, I am of the opinion, you can leave. Why stay here, in a country that you do not put first? Would you stay in a relationship with someone you didn't like?

I will give any President the benefit of the doubt on things until he proves me right or wrong. In this case he has proven me and other right-he doesn't love the United States. (Letting the libs and the Dems come apart at the seems) There is nothing wrong with being proud of your country. Not A DAM thing. Especially when the US has done all that we have. Have we been perfect? No. Have we done good? YES!

In this article that was sent to me by a fellow Old Boy and a man I respect, this hits to the heart of the matter. And in 4 years I hope and pray that this smear on our history will not be replaced.

Arrogant Americans, Mr. President?
Peter Heck - Guest Columnist - 4/14/2009
As I was sitting in church waiting for the start of the service, my grandpa came walking towards me pointing his finger. No matter how old I get, and no matter how long he’s been out of the U.S. Navy, that’s still an intimidating sight. As he approached me, his voice quivered as he said, “We saved that continent twice...how dare my president apologize for this country’s arrogance.” My grandpa is right. Americans need not apologize to the world for their arrogance; rather, Americans should apologize to their forefathers for the arrogance of their president. Barack Obama’s first foreign trip as President of the United States has confirmed the naiveté so many of us feared during the election cycle. But worse than that, it has also demonstrated that our president suffers from either a complete misunderstanding of our heritage and history, or an utter contempt for it. Neither is excusable.Garnering cheers from the French of all people, President Obama declared, “In America , there is a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.” Consider that Obama spoke these words just 500 miles from the beaches of Normandy , where the sand is still stained with 65-year-old blood of “arrogant Americans.” Indeed, columnist Mark Whittington observes, “One should remind Mr. Obama and the Europeans how America has ‘shown arrogance’ by saving Europe from itself innumerable times in the 20th Century. World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and the wars in the Balkans were largely resolved by American blood, treasure, and leadership.” But all that appears lost on the president’s seemingly insatiable quest to mend fences he imagines have been tarnished by the bullish George W. Bush. If Obama wishes to continue trampling the presidential tradition of showing class to former office holders and publicly trash Bush for his own personal gain, so be it. But all Americans should make clear that no man – even if he is the president – will tarnish the legacy of those Americans who have gone before us. Ours is not a history of arrogance. It is a history of courage, self-sacrifice, and honor. When abusive monarchs repressed the masses, Americans resisted and overthrew them. When misguided policies led to the unjust oppression of fellow citizens, Americans rebelled and overturned them. When millions of impoverished and destitute wretches sought a new beginning, Americans threw open the door and welcomed them. When imperial dictators were on the march, Americans surrendered their lives to stop them. When communist thugs threatened world peace, Americans bled to defeat them. When an entire continent was overwhelmed with famine and hunger, Americans gave of themselves to sustain it. When terrorist madmen killed the innocent and subjugated millions, Americans led the fight to topple them.This is the legacy that generations of Americans have left. If President Obama seeks stronger relations with the world community, perhaps he should begin by reminding them of these very truths, rather than condemning his own countrymen on foreign shores.This “obsessive need to put down his own country,” has caused blogger James Lewis to call President Obama a “stunningly ignorant man” who has evidently never spoken to a concentration camp survivor, a Cuban refugee, a boat person from Vietnam, a Soviet dissident, or a survivor of Mao’s purges.Unfortunately, I can no longer bring myself to give Mr. Obama that benefit of the doubt. Not after looking at the pain in my grandpa’s eyes...a man who still carries shrapnel in his body from his service to this country.As a student and teacher of history, I recognize that America has made mistakes...plenty of them, in fact. But one of the great things about our people has been their courage and humility in admitting and correcting those mistakes. God willing, they will prove that willingness again in four years and correct the mistake that is the presidency of Barack Obama.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 110 - The rock that I cling to

The one of the many thing my parents did for me growing up, was instill in me a deep trust in the Lord. A nine year perfect attendance for Sunday school helped reinforce that. Of course as I got older and at military school, some of that relaxed. Not much. As a new boy you were required to attend. And as I headed up the ranks, some of that did relax, but I still went to church; in fact I sang in the choir for a while. In fact our honor code put God first. The country, home & school. So not a problem.

Moving on to a four year university, Sunday attendance did wain. I have always felt that you didn't need to go to a place to have your prayers amplified to God. And while I am a Christian, a Methodist, a 32nd degree Scottish/York rite mason and a Kemper Old Boy, I also believe that other religions and cultures should not be considered as being wrong.

Individual faith is very important. I have read the Bible all the way through 3 times and used to know all the books of the Bible in order. Does that make me better? No. And though I have no problems with 'Born Agains' or ones that want to make sure that we all know they are Christians either through their witnessing or ringing our door-bell; I let them know, I don't need to be born again, as they got it right the first time I was baptized. I have always tried to be good, but knew that I was sinner since I am human. because of that we are guilty until proven innocent by asking forgiveness. And yes, we are serial sinners. No one is perfect. As Chief used to say, "there was only one perfect man and he died on the cross." I also like how Titus the comedian put it, about moving on, "get down off the cross, take the wood, build a bridge and get over it!" I have friends that are different faiths, are Pagans, Druids, Wiccans, etc. Do I think they are wicked or evil? No. Do I think they will go to Heaven? I pray for them. I pray they will find what they are looking for. And who knows; maybe that's what God wants each of us to do; find our way in life and do the golden rule: Do unto others as we would have other do unto you. But on the same token, I only got 2 cheeks to turn, after that its the sword, LOL.

As a Dungeon Master/Game Master, which for all practical purposes means you are God in the game, I have thought like and considered what God must be like and allow. The questions of why does God allow bad things to happen? Well, how about thinking of God as the ultimate General Patton? You may not have the whole picture, but he does look out for you. And when you screw up, you will get punished. But do your best and always move forward. No retreat. You have to have faith and trust in something bigger than you are. I have that. That has never wavered, though at times I have asked "Why?" Any soldier can ask that. He may not get the answer he is looking for or he may get no answer. But he is allowed to ask.

Do I think I will go to Heaven? LOL. Well I HOPE I will. I try. I sin. I ask forgiveness. I sin again. But I do learn and try not to make the same mistake twice or thrice, or more than once a day.... meaning I believe in God. I know Jesus was God's son and that he died on the cross so that I may live. He did the ultimate throwing himself on a grenade so that I would live. I believe in the Bible, the flood, locust, you name it.

I know there is a war going on between God and Evil. Are we living the days of the Apocalypse? Don't know. Don't care. If it happens, it happens. Those decisions are far above my pay grade. I just try to do the best I can with what I got. I know I haven't been perfect. I consider myself a soldier of God. Fighting evil. And as we know, sometimes the only way to fight evil is by being meaner and badder than our enemy. No, I am not saying I am doing anything bad; but I am no white knight in gleaming armour. I am the guy in dirty fatigues wearing a beret, camo faced with instrument's of death and destruction on me, fighting for what I consider right. Does that make me a candidate for the bright light at the end of the tunnel?

I don't know. I know I am not bad enough to go to Hell (I hope and pray) but don't know if I am good enough to make it to Heaven. At least I am not a hypocrite and want to re-write my history by not remembering the way I was when i was young. Its ok to acknowledge it and say that you have changed since then. But not to even remember and try to play things off-that doesn't fly.

I would like to think that I have been no better or worse than some of the men and women I hold in esteem. Which means that when I pass from this mortal plane, that maybe there is a place for us; a warrior's Valhalla if you will. We would be used as God's angels to fight the battles that need to be fought. Too good for Hell, but not good enough to make it to the top floor. Kinda in the middle.

My parents and grandparents and others have made it all the way to the top I know. My father was a great person, and while I don't know what he did before me, and only consciously of what he did doing our 24 years together, he did good and was a good person. So that anything he might have done, was more than made up for in the end. If he did need that. I don't think so, as I would have a hard time thinking of my father bad enough to not make it to Heaven. Maybe that is true about the good dying young.

In closing, what I was trying to say, which I don't know if I succeeded, was that my faith is the rock that keeps me grounded. I trust and have complete faith in the Lord God. What I have been through shows me that there are higher things going on. I say I am in a better place now than 10 years ago, although financially I suck. But then, that too has taught me things.
I didn't say it made me perfect, because I ain't. It is a yard stick that I use, to try and be better. But do I go to church every Sunday? No. Do I pray at night? yes. Do I pray before I eat? Mostly. Do I still sin? Yes? Am I forgiven? I don't think so, I know so.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Teddy Roosevelt quote

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."
THEODORE ROOSEVELT (Paris Sorbonne,1910)

Day 109 - I Hate Cinderella

Ok, I don't HATE her. I just don't like the story. I mean, the story is good, I just hate the bullies. I have always hated bullies. Because in grade school I was bullied. And then when I went to military school and took martial arts and learned how to handle myself and got confidence, never been bullied after that. I stand up for myself and for the little guy. So the story, while good, just makes me cringe. And that goes when I read a book that is like that.

So that makes me the defender of the underdog, so be it. I learned a lot over the years, and like "My Name Is Earl" I feel like I have to do some payback. I have never bullied, that's not it. Just other stuff. So while I am not as anal as Earl, I do believe in Karma. And everything is balanced and paybacks are a bitch. Trust me when I say I am going through payback.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 107 - CSI meets Star Trek

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

As one who is a Trekkie, they nailed sci fi cons and a great parody of Trek. It also shows, at least in my opinion, the feeling that the new Trek movie is screwing with our heroes. And it will not be tolerated. I am not saying murder by any means. But maybe financial murder? If they think it will be a cash cow and turns into a lame duck, then hopefully we can ignore this one and get back to what Trek was.

The opening of the episode where Hodges flips opens his cell phone (communicator) and utters the immortal words, "He'd dead Jim." OMG. Hilarious. Of course to those who are only semi into sci fi, or not know Trek as well as some of us, it may not be as funny.

I like when they show some of the support people; Hodges and Vicki. And I like the actor who plays Hodges. I have seen him in a few movies and series-that I think he is a good actor (Combat High not withstanding, but don't blame him... much).

In closing; this is a great episode and I love how the interaction with the bartender, about his tours in the military and that he would like the world to be like what that tv show was all about.

There has always been a debate on what Gene Roddenberry was trying to say. It is very simple: It was a wagon train to the stars. The sets were campy, the affects at the time were the best they could do and yes they used salt and pepper shakers as medical instruments. He was trying to make money and touch on some of the things that were going on in the world at that time. What better way for people to relate to a tv show?

While growing up I was ridiculed for liking Star Trek. Even today some of my friends would like to kill me for signing them up (Right Randy?) And yet you look at cell phones-communicators, pda's are tri-corders, laptop computers, space shuttles. The first space shuttle was called "Enterprise" after the star ship on the original Star Trek.

Even amongst us trekkies we have our favorites; actors/actresses, series, episodes, etc. Now a days its cool to like sci fi and fantasy. Look at "Twilight."

But I remember the fight to get here. I wish I could go back to those Con days, which drew thousands to see their favorites stars and authors. Its funny; the Internet, which is as sci fi as you can get is killing, again in my opinion, the bond we had. Instead of going to a convention and meet and talk with others, you can go online. I paid my dues over 35 years ago. I started with the James Blish books (look those up) when that's all there was.

And as for this new Trek movie: I will not go and see it. I am one of those outraged fans that think this new one has screwed with my heroes. And I for one will not contribute any of my money to perpetuate it.

I am a trek fan. I belong to Starfleet International. According to the Guinness Book, we are the largest Trek fan run organization in the world.I have also been the Fleet Admiral for the organisation and held many posts over the years. People ask me who I am suppose to be. I am me. Shatner was Kirk. Nimoy was Spock. And I am...

VAdm. James Herring
(farthest on the right)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Just a Funny

I just thought this was funny. I love that web site. They have great pics and cute sayings. Yeah, just an old softy at heart.

Day 102- Pirates

Its sad that there are still modern pirates. And they say they will retaliate. Gee, that's as bad as a burglar who gets hurt suing the victim... oh wait. That happens. My view; just send in the SEALs. Thats what we have them for, and they will take care of the problem.

The United States has to be able to protect herself and its people wherever they are. This is not like we are invading, this is international waters. These people are no worse that thieves. Thieves with guns. If they come aboard our ships, with guns, then we will retake that ship with guns and toss the bodies over board. When did standing up for your rights be a crime?

Mr President are you listening? Media are you listening? Oh wait, there is something more important going on; a new puppy. Given by Sen. Kennedy. I am surprised its not a Saint Bernard with a whiskey cask around it's neck.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I want this girl!

Ok, I found this on another person's blog, but thought it was great. We all say we are this way or that way... but to be this way consistently is the important thing. I just thought this was a very nice post. Oh, and yeah: I want this girl!

I'm the girl who will put her head on your shoulder, not because she's sleepy, but because she wants to be closer to you...

I'm the girl who likes to be kissed in the rain, more than inside your bedroom or in an expensive restaurant...

I'm the girl who says,"Ok, but you owe me..." jokingly not because I actually want something, but because it means I get to spend more time with you...

I'm the girl you can take absolutely anywhere and I will (or at least try to) have fun because it means I am spending time with you...

I'm the girl who is incredibly picky, but when I find someone I like I want to spend the whole night curled up in their arms...

I'm the girl who never forgets all the sweet little things you do for me...

I'm the girl who actually keeps her body parts in her clothing in public...

I'm the girl who never gives up hope even when I tell others I have...

I'm the girl who once I let you into my heart, there's always a place there with your name on it. And even if we spend time apart, I'm the girl who never forgets you.I'm the girl who loves to end a hug with a kiss...

I'm the girl who you can talk to you about anything...

I'm the girl who laughs at your jokes...

I'm the girl who will have many inside jokes with you and will remember each one...

I'm the girl who will brag about you to all of my friends...

I'm the girl who will listen to you talk...

I'm the girl who really does want to be friends after a break up...

I'm the girl who loves it when you hug me for no apparent reason...

I'm the girl who loves it when you hug me from behind or kiss me on the forehead..

I'm the girl who loves you for you, and doesn't care what other people say about us...

I'm the girl who loves it when you introduce me to your friends as your girlfriend...

I'm the girl who loves the feeling when you take me by the hand without saying a word...

Day 98

Physical chemistry generates desire. Emotional chemistry generates affection. Mental chemistry creates interest. Spiritual chemistry creates love. A soul mate has all four.

Day 98: God is a DM

For all you roleplayers, you know that as a DM (dungeon master) you are God. So why not believe that God is the ultimate DM? And if that's the case, for those who believe in the bible, and yes I am one of them, we know that it says in the players handbook that these are the rules. But if the DM (God) wants to change them he can. So why not believe that God has changed some of the things also.

Now what I am talking about changes are the concepts of slavery, multiple wives, beatings, etc. for those that like to throw that up in the Christian's face. Any military person knows that no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. And the plan that has been going on for these many years is Christianity, and that it has had some rough spots. Crusades, pedophile priests, the issue of homosexuality, etc.

So while the row and verse of what is in the bible may have changed, we don't know. God hasn't given us a Bible 2.0 yet. But the spirit of what he is all about is still here. Love one another. Do the best you can. Protect the weak. Does that mean go to war? If you have to. Does that mean punish the wicked? Yes; be them convicts or priests. Should we tear down all the other religions for our own? No. Everyone has to choose what is right for themselves. In the words of the Wyld Stallions, "Be Excellent to Each Other."

Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 95

I had just started talking with an attractive lady online (yeah I know, how do you know what she looks like or even if she is a she) and it was just basic stuff. I mentioned that I had attended a military school and was the third generation to do so. She makes a smart comment. I defend that military school is not for everyone. She makes even a smarter-assed comment about the people who go to military schools. (And for anyone who has read my blog, knows how this is going to end). I told her that was her opinion, that I love my friends who I have had over 30 years, who helped me, and that I had to go and so long. Her last comment to me was she knew I couldn't handle her sarcasm. Hmmm, sarcasm. I know what that was, and what I was hearing from her was not really it. She didn't know me or my friends or what we went through. So no matter-looks aren't everything. I think back to the movie Shallow Hal, and that one nurse who looked like Nurse Ratchet because Jack Black was seeing what was on the inside, while on the outside she was some foxy nurse. Anyway, not to mention I don't think her profile was real either, or that it matched her age or her pics. Ehh. Just reinforces my own 'list' of what I want in The One.

Besides the normal things on that list, I have something called "The Lauras Test." I have two 'sisters,' both named Laura. One is in Missouri and another in Arkansas; I called them my sisters while I was at Kemper. They both said that from now on, anyone I was considering getting serious with had to pass their judgement. I told them, no problem. I have been married twice and divorced twice, so obviously I have no clue whats good for me. And no I am not joking. If I ever start to get serious with another lady, she will have to pass their judgement, or it will never go any farther.

Sounds harsh? Weak? Nope. My Achilles heel has always been women. Not to mention how women have done a head job on me, from my 2 ex-wives to my mother. Its amazing that I still like women, let alone want to pursue any kind of relationship with one. Well, I'm getting older, so my options are getting fewer and fewer, so I don't think I am going to 'inflict myself on some woman', as my last ex-wife said.

I have great 'sisters' who I love to death and would do anything for. Most are from the Kemper side of the family. But I do have one 'sister' who I would also include in this gauntlet. I get CARE packages from her on occasion. She sent me one for Easter. It had jellybeans, Peeps, a chocolate bunny and of course camo eggs that held dice for me. Yeah, shes a gamer. She was the only female gamer in a group of 4 guys, back in the 80's, and yeah that was amazing at the time. Her husband is a lawyer (I was best man at their wedding) and she holds a couple of degrees. I consider her one of the most smart (yeah I know my grammar) people I know. She knows me, knows the bond of Kemper that I have, and I rank her as an honorary part of that family. So I would run anyone I was considering getting serious with, pass her also. What are these tests that I am talking about? I have no clue. Would I tell the woman I am serious about, about this? I thought I just did. Am I serious about this? What do you think?