Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 98: God is a DM

For all you roleplayers, you know that as a DM (dungeon master) you are God. So why not believe that God is the ultimate DM? And if that's the case, for those who believe in the bible, and yes I am one of them, we know that it says in the players handbook that these are the rules. But if the DM (God) wants to change them he can. So why not believe that God has changed some of the things also.

Now what I am talking about changes are the concepts of slavery, multiple wives, beatings, etc. for those that like to throw that up in the Christian's face. Any military person knows that no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. And the plan that has been going on for these many years is Christianity, and that it has had some rough spots. Crusades, pedophile priests, the issue of homosexuality, etc.

So while the row and verse of what is in the bible may have changed, we don't know. God hasn't given us a Bible 2.0 yet. But the spirit of what he is all about is still here. Love one another. Do the best you can. Protect the weak. Does that mean go to war? If you have to. Does that mean punish the wicked? Yes; be them convicts or priests. Should we tear down all the other religions for our own? No. Everyone has to choose what is right for themselves. In the words of the Wyld Stallions, "Be Excellent to Each Other."

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