Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Taps and Footloose

I was watching NCIS and they played taps for Gibbs' father. It took me back to hearing Bunch and Martin playing. I know I could pick out Bunch if he played them, I heard them so much. Also, he marched in front of me, so I am very familiar with his playing. Thinking of that takes me back, but also makes me a bit sad. At my funeral (far in the future) I won't hear him play for me; I don't deserve them as I never served. I just heard them played for 6 years-talk about comforting. Not to mention, playing with him and George and others was one of the finest times of my life.

Another thought; watched Footloose-the original, tonight. Talk about taking me back also. The movie and the music. There is just some music, you know? I just can't explain it accurately. It just takes me back and touches my soul and I just f e e l. You know?