Monday, December 28, 2009

Tom Cruise

Rarely any more do I like or even think about Tom Cruise. I remember him when he was in the movie "Taps" (for obvious reasons.) Then of course in Top Gun and the Color of Money. Rain Man was ok, but after that, I have a hard time thinking of anything that I have liked him in. Mission: Impossible he was ok in, but they screwed with the people-of course I can put that off as perhaps "Mr. Phelps" was just the name-like the Dread Pirate Roberts. Anyway, I digress.

I saw a pre-view for an upcoming movie that he is and I must say, I do want to see it. And I think this is the part that he was made to play. An action hero/comedy. I mean come on... Cruise is comedic action at best so what better foil. Here is the description:

An action-comedy centered on a fugitive couple (Cruise and Diaz) on a glamorous and sometimes deadly adventure where nothing and no one – even themselves – are what they seem. Amid shifting alliances and unexpected betrayals, they race across the globe, with their survival ultimately hinging on the battle of truth vs. trust.

Its called Knight and Day. And I do want to see it, so much I will probably spring the money to see it in the theater  I just hope I am not disappointed.

Blake's 7

I accidentally found B7 when I was in college looking for Dr. Who. I had never seen Dr Who at the time and someone told me it was on cable from a TV station out of St Louis on Saturday nite, late. So as I was flipping around the stations, I found the BBC trademark 'look,' heard the accents and figured I was watching Dr. Who. I liked what I was watching. Little did I realize it was B7.

Luckily I had a friend in St. L and she recorded all the episodes for me (she was B7 fanatic also) and when I would go to Cons I would look for merchandise. Even to the point of having buttons made with quotes from there (sorry Red Shirt Society, but the quote: I'm not expendable, I'm not stupid and I'm not going, was on B7 long before you got a hold of it.

And I like many B7 fans do not take what happened at the end as the final word. Just like many of us, we have our own ideas.

I can't explain what B7 was to anyone not really familiar. Needless to say it was the BBC's answer to Star Trek in the 80's. The Federation was not the good guys, and in some ways it was similar to Star Wars in that rebels were the heroes.

I loved this show. The stories, characters and lines, were well done.

"Teleport now Orac."

Day 361 - Oral Roberts & Robert G. Heft

Oral Roberts passed away in 2009. I just wanted to make sure people remember that he passed in 2009 verse those who will only remember Michael Jackson. Hey, I will give Michael his due. He was a musician, dancer, and a person in trouble with the law for many things.

But Oral Roberts was man who brought God to millions of people. He established learning centers and medical centers. Were they perfect? No. But even though Roberts' lifestyle, unorthodox fund-raising techniques, and the expanse of his organizations raised criticism and controversy, there was no credible evidence of malfeasance while he was in charge. He did not have sex-and-money scandals like some other televangelists. And he was not named among the six prosperity teachers in the financial investigations launched by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) in 2007. Was he perfect? I am sure not. But compared to many others he was the one who helped them accept God. As I prayed at the Christmas eve services where I was at, my thoughts were not on music or some pop icon. But of times past where I felt at peace-and at those times I thought I knew God. So compared to some pop icon who many thought of as a god or someone who spent all their life trying to bring God to others; I'll go with Oral Roberts.

Another person that I would bet money that most people have never heard of, and who also passed away in 2009 was Robert G. Heft. He is credited with designing and sewing the first 50-star American flag. he was 67.

Heft made the flag in 1958 as part of a high school project. He spent more than 12 hours sewing the design. President Eisenhower chose Heft's design to replace the 48 star flag.

Think about that. Someone submitted a design and the president choose it to replace the old one, as we need a new one. And it was. How simple was that? And how elegant. Now a days that would never happen. Both political parties would HAVE to be involved and it would take years. Scandals would rock the committees, bribes for consideration and then where would it be made; probably in China.

And yet there was a time that one American man designed the flag that flies from our flag poles. And there was a time when the president made the decision and it was not second guessed or had that he had to jump through hopes to get it done.

While I don't know the mess that something like that would cause to day, I would like us to take time to remember someone who made an impact almost 52 years ago. Thank you. Mr. Heft.

God bless Oral Roberts and Robert Heft.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day 357 - Dollhouse Has Jumped the Shark or has Failed, or whatever, IMO

As one who does like Josh Whedon, (Firefly!) and the Dollhouse had great promise. And the first season or so was great. But as the story has unfolded, it has gone... where no man has gone before. It doesn't know what it is I think. Emprinting people is great; as then you can have episodes like in the beginning, with the FBI Profiler. Then the sex thing got in the way. Then conspiracy. Then the intro to Ballard. Alpha was great as he was the one pulling the strings-and of course someone from Firefly, and then more and more guest stars like them. But now... Echo is the Shuper Soldier.. after a while its no fun watching someone who can do everything. It was good when she could be anyone from a computer program. And I was going to get used to her switching from one personae to another. But all this talk about freeing the dolls. Unless I missed something, these people are volunteers, who knew what they were getting into.

To me that's like saying I want to free the people in the US Army. They knew what they were getting into to. (Gee, did I just sound like Obama?) But I mean it as; they are a group of people, doing something they volunteered for. They don't need to be freed. Why is Echo getting her panties in an uproar? Have they kidnapped anyone and forced them...not that I have seen.. yet. But the big bad cooperation is up to no good.

Ok, this is one of the reason that Lost, lost me. I tried watching Heroes, even with the cute cheerleader... nope. And Flash Forward... left me in pause. I don't know if Whedon is doing this on purpose or what. Firefly was great and then Fox cancelled it. Space, Above and Beyond was also great. Why do people screw with things? They brought back FF as a movie and of course had to kill some of the characters. What, SAAB was sensationalizing war? Better to have military heroes than the Hollywood rock stars, talking mouths hypocrites and steroid popping, womanizing athletes. Unless any of those people lay down their lives for people they don't know, I don't want to hear it. In old Hollywood, you had actors who joined the military and fought with honor. Now adays, there are a few who served, but you don't hear about them as they don't want to be ostracised by the rest of the left wing of Follywood. The only way I can express my displeasure with those people is NOT to see any movie like that. My $10 won't go into their pocket. And while it may not make a different, at least I feel better.

So, in closing to Josh...bring back the old Dollhouse-this conspiracy is getting a bit much. If the corporation truly wanted to protect itself, it would just eliminate those problem people. And if it has that much power, with houses all over and politicians and govt officials in their pocket, do they (Echo & Co.) think they can free their house? Better to try and use their house for good within the system than make an enemy, especially when you have Alpha out there. The British bitch... IF she has gone over to the dark side, which, unless she gets off on pain has, should have been eliminated. But of course, better the devil you know. I don't see why they just didn't take her, brain wipe her and program her to help. If she was drunk, she wouldn't know the difference. And since she was obviously NOT on their side; sorry. I am loosing interest in the Dollhouse fast. And I would like to know what happened to the doctor. She just took off, and no one seems that upset. Wow. Talk about double standards. She was an Active AND a member of the Dollhouse staff and no one has tried to find her. Hmmmm. Plot hole.

So instead of being part of those who watch it on network/cable/satellite... I will just watch it on Hulu. Don't know if Hulu tracks how many times its accessed, but I can live with that.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I found this online, they were talking about the 7 SNL stars that died too young. I thought this about Belushi was very true.

"One thing that a lot of people forget about John Belushi is that he is the only person in America ever to be:
1) On the number 1 album (Briefcase Full of Blues)
2) In the number 1 movie (Animal House)
3) On the highest rated late night TV show (Saturday Night Live)
all at the same time, that was on his 30th birthday in 1979. He was the biggest thing in America that year, he was so famous he could literally waive a passing police car and catch a ride like his own personal taxi service."

So true.

R.I.P. John. Hope you are making God smile.

Day 356 - AVATAR

Like I did with the new Star Trek movie, I said I wouldn't see it. But because I am a Trekkie, in a Star trek group and other factors, as Bryan gave me the dvd, I did watch it. How else could I discuss the points I did in a previous post. Avatar is another I won't go and see. Its another "the Bad Humans come in to take over a planet from the peace loving natives for a big, bad corporation."

I read a very interesting article and the responses on how this is a white film concerning the way that the whites treated 'fill in the blank' minority. I don't look at it as a color issue, but as a testimony about mankind. One of the rebuttal in that article I read was very well thought out, that I copied it, so let me paste a snip from it here:

"What is almost completely ignored is that there was little concept of private property, rule of law, justice, and freedom (including freedom from violence) among *nomadic* native tribes. Addressed even less are these tribes' barbaric practices -- cruel rites of passage, slavery, rape, murder, human sacrifice, mutilation as punishment for criminals, abandonment of the weak, torture, cannibalism, "knowledge" and "wisdom" obtained with hallucinogens, and severe punishment of anyone that demonstrated individuality, reason, or disobedience to the authority of witch-doctors. These attributes didn't suddenly vanish when white people showed up.

The initiative destruction of native peoples by settlers occurred, but very infrequently. In more instances than not, colonists attempted to trade with the natives -- i.e. tried to treat them as equals -- bringing modern technology, conveniences, and Enlightenment ideas in exchange for being allowed to establish towns -- and they were rewarded with unprovoked, brutal, bloody raids BY these natives.

This isn't "white perspective" or even "racism": it's simple historical fact. I absolutely do not condone any form of racism, slavery, genocide, colonialism, Manifest Destiny and the lot -- it's as barbaric in nature as the savages were. I'm not implying that that *all* natives (certainly not their modern descendants) remained savage, nor does it imply that *all* settlers and expansionists were peaceful, Enlightened victims.

Yet, I won't fall for revisionist history and the moral recrimination of centuries-dead Europeans, and I won't be suckered into believing in the archetypal "noble savage" (which is as obvious an oxymoron as they get).

So for once, I'd like to see a "spin" on the "white/human goes native/alien" story:

A MODERN human (his/her race being completely unimportant) enters a SAVAGE alien society, and demonstrates the value of a civilized technological culture that arose by abandoning barbarism. The film ends with the savages doing likewise, living the longer, healthier, more productive, more comfortable, and ultimately happier lives that can only result when superstition and primitivism are abolished and science and reason embraced."

There were similes about this being like "Dances With Wolves" and that Tom Cruise movie "American Samurai" or something like that.

Sorry...not falling for that. Nor will I see this movie...unless, like before, someone gives me the dvd. And even then I would consider it. I am one of these people that hate hypocrites, so I walk a fine line I know.

Also, I have finally figure out the difference between someone who is into sci fi and fantasy verses someone who just enjoys it. Someone who just enjoys it would say, "Its just a movie." Those who are truely into sci-fi/fantasy would start looking at it with perspective. Just like any sport fan would do with any sports movie that didn't accurately portray their sport. But on the same token, anymore politics can't seem to stay out of movies... even comedy's like "Did You Hear About The Morgans." The comment that Sarah Jessica Parker makes about the Sheriff's wife when she is handlin a shotgun, "Its Sarah Pallen." Typical Hollywood stabs.

So in closing, speaking just for me... I won't see it. I have my reasons, don't try and change me. I thought it was gonna be good, especially when I heard that Sigourney Weaver was going to be in it. Oh, well. I will always have Alien and Aliens... Aliens 3.. not the best. JMO.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 355 - Shorewood vs Shorecrest

I saw this article about two competing schools making viral videos and posting them. OMG, those schools have some great talent! I only wish we had that when I was in school; of course I can only imagine what we would have turned out. But these kids did a fantastic job. Especially the one that was filmed in reverse and then run backward. Truly amazing. The kid directors should use these as part of their resumes.

And like the article said, this is a refreshing take when all you hear about is sextexting and cyberbullying. These two schools are pretty good models for just fun things to do. Much applause and awards should go to them. Hopefully many schools will follow suit.

Monday, December 21, 2009


My Secret Santa at work gave me the new Star Trek dvd as a present as he knew I hadn't seen it and wouldn't buy it for myself (Thanks Bryan!) And I just watched it. All I can say is: Its a great space movie, almost reminds me of Star Trek. By considering this as an alternative universe... and I mean that from the get-go, I liked it. But, let me tell you what I didn't like and then I will go into what I did.

-The actor who they had playing Spock. I have seen people looking more like Spock at sci-fi conventions than he did. Not a good fit for that character.
-Pull over 'citizen.' Wow, Robocop.
-Pike was the CO of the Enterprise for the first 5 years. If not, then that negates The Menagerie (the pilot). So, like I said, this is some way funky universe.
-You don't complete the Academy in less than 4 years ( I mean that as he commented that he would finnish in 3.. not if they were going on a war footing)... ask anyone from West Point, Annapolis, if they could graduate early. Also, get a command in 8 years??? PLEASE.
-They were building the Enterprise on the ground and not in a space dock... and in Iowa? I don't recall there being a satellite campus there. What was Starfleet doing there?
-Spock shooting Kirk in an escape pod? The brig yes, off the ship in a combat situation? No.
-Delta Vega was the planet that Gary Mitchell fought Kirk on in the 2nd episode. And it was no where near Vulcan. It was near the edge of our universe. So they have their maps wrong.
-The Orion chick Kirk was making out with. Again, nice looking lady, but I have seen more believable ones at Cons. Also, while I think it was kinda hot, I have never seen a red haired Orion.
-Chekov... 17 years old... talk about OTJ. Sorry... not buying that either.
-Scotty seemed a little too happy at times when I wouldn't think he should be.
-I ain't never seen a Romulan ship look like some dam squid. They were always bird of prey.
-Another thing... this Next Generation is always trying to make the Romulans the bad guys and the Klingons have honor. I think you had better go back and look at the original series. Other way around. The Romulans had honor and the Klingons didn't and yeah, I'll fight any Klingon warrior as lets just pull out the facts first.
-What the hell was that thing with Scotty? In the next movie, if they keep doing this, please... NOOOO.
-The Kelvin had families? Didn't know it was an early Enterprise with families. Maybe she was a pregnant Fleet officer and I missed that. I just never recalled that Kirk's mom was in Fleet.
-Kobayashi Maru test... don't even get me started. I liked the one in the books better where he does reprogram the computer, but when he introduces himself, the Klingons are afraid of the famous Capt. Kirk. I think that would have played better.

**and even though its how I might have ended it... for Spock to just let Nero die and even Kirk go along with him... I don't know. I guess I am thinking back to the original where they woudl beam him off and make him stand trial. So maybe this is a more of a neutral observation.

Ok, now the good points.

+Thats the first time I have ever heard "Live long and Prosper" as almost an insult. AND The Old Spock telling his young self 'since it would be self-serving to say his usual farewell....' Ok, those were just too cool.
+I liked that Uhura and Spock love thing. That was good.
+Scotty looked like Scotty. And had a few Scotty lines.
+McCoy acted like McCoy. And he had a few McCoy lines.
+Sulu and his sword.. I had actually written about a sword that did that. And I hadn't seen that part yet. Kudos.
+I'll give the actor who played Kirk his due: he did ok playing him. Especially in some of the fight scenes.
+Uhura. Liked her. A little long in the hair, but acceptable.
+Not bad on the look of the Enterprise. Better on the outside than the inside. I think it was bigger insode than out, but its ok. I know that my old Chief Fabrications Officer is having kittens AND puppies though.

J.J. Abrams, normally I wouldn't Monday morning quarterback, except when you screw with my heroes. I don't care what you said about having a feel for Trek or anything else. I have seen better web movies that use people who also didn't look like Kirk, Spock & McCoy but kept the 'Feel' of Trek. This was just like the first Star Trek movie where they tried to put all the episodes into one movie. Is that what you did? Then that means the second one of these will be much better. I hope so.

As one possibility to an alternate reality concerning Trek: this is a fine movie. But this is NOT my Star Trek.

On a scale:

5 worth seeing at the movies, full price!
4 worth seeing at the movies, matinee
3 worth renting the video
2 if someone gives you the dvd
1 borrow the dvd or wait to see it on TV

I would rate this about a 2.5

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 352 - Movies

Alright, I rented some movies this weekend. I did pretty good on what I chose. Although I was a bit disappointed with some and met my expectations with others.

Angels & Demons. Great movie, but not as good as Da Vinci. Still, very good as I was still wondering right to the end. I am glad that the Illumniati was;t really attacking them. Even though the Illuminati doesn't exist (yeah right). So, a good choice.

Funny People. Love Adam Sandler. I have learned that Seth Rogen, while alot of this generation might like him, I don't really. I have tried. Tried. Knocked up...ugh. Superbad....ugh. Pineapple Express (never saw except a part in passing a tv when it was on)....ugh. Zack & Miri....just a little better than ugh. This was not one of the better Adam Sandler one. I liked Bedtimes Stories. I think thats what he should stick with. Just my opinion.But I still like him.

Goods. Love it! Jeremy Piven, love him. Knew it when I saw him in PCU. Ok, never seen Entourage, and I don't want to, as I want to keep liking him.

Night at the Museum 2. Very good. Not as good as I was hoping, but not bad either. Not as good as the first, but still a good one.

The Ugly Truth. Love it! Gerard Butler. Katherinie Heigel. Great movie, good date movie.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day - 341 Another Old Lang Syne

It seems that the song by Dan Fogelberg, Same Old Lang Syne, 1981, is a Christmas song. I have no problem with that at all, as it is one of my favorites. I remember hearing it in the Club Room at Kemper. It takes me back. This song truly does. I will always equate this song with that. I don't know why. I just do, and I can see, in my mind's eye, the Club Room, the people, the smell, the FEELING. And a pleasurable ache starts in my heart.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 340 - Series on Hulu "What About Brian"

Ok, there are times when you unexpectedly get hook on, lets be honest; its a late night soap opera. The characters drew me in-as the sister from "Chuck: was on this. Right before she did Chuck. And shes playing a doctor. Also, one of the guys in "Band of Brothers." AND Hulu had the pilot and all the episodes on. I hate trying to figure things out without watching all the previous ones.

I loved the love triangle, the unrequited love the stupid and funny things. As I have seen it all, been in it and understand. Even to where the guys say they wouldn't let a woman come between them. Even after she does, and they both fight, they come back to their friendship. Which always prove that friendships last even if relationship's don't.

I also loved that the lawyer fell in love, and married the stripper. I just wish they had let it work out, EVEN after Marjorie returned.

On a different note-went to KC on Saturday and saw Robert, Anne and Jeff. A very small but fun time for the Federation Legion. Those trips to KC mean so much to me, especially during the holidays and at night. I have so many good memories of that. I remember, mom or dad pointing out the KC skyline. I didn't understand and never saw what they were talking about. As it was never explained to me that a skyline was the buildings in the distance. I don't know how long it was before I understood that.

Another thing I finally understood-I am NOT a fixer-upper. I am an old house that has had some modifications and a few needed renovations. But I don't need to be fixed. I hope any woman who might come into my sphere of influence understands that. I also hope that she is strong and defensive for me. Not that I need it. I guess its more that I want someone who would fight for me, even though I am perfectly capable of fighting my own battles.

But I honestly don't think I have to worry. I do truly believe that I am not 'entitled'. I am paying for everything I had before and for the luck in other areas now. The payment is the lack of a relationship with a woman; something I have always wanted. As much as wanting to be a soldier.

Its a shame I couldn't be happy with the 'simple' things. I used that simple to mean not what I have had, what I am, or anything about the way I am now. If I could just find more than a passing interest in sports. With a few exception concerning sports (KC Royals, Chiefs and MU Tiger football) I have less than 0 interest in sports in general. I look at the guys who are passionate about all sports as the same way I am passionate about all military history and most military movies.

"Snoopy vs the Red Baron Christmas Song" just came on. Love that song-as it shows the honor you have to an esteemed enemy. Kinda like Jackie Gleason's character in the the last Smokey & the Bandit movie, which Burt Reynolds only had the cameo at the end. Where the Bandit went on about all the things that Gleason could now do, because he had been caught. He then said, "I"ll give you a 5 minute head start." There are times when you build everything around something, and then when it comes to an end you are lost. My goodness, how many times has that happened to me in the last 27 years? Lets see: graduating Kemper. Dad dying. Selling the Cheshire Cat. getting married the 1st time. The whole fight for my birthright/farm. Divorce. My second marriage. Different jobs. Mom dying. Opening the 2nd Cat. Opening the B & B. Closing the Cat. Divorcing. Closing the B & B foreclosure. Selling the other house in Boonville. New job with the Missourian. Moving to Columbia. Then downsizing from my apartment to a room.

I don't consider being disowned by mother as I view that as: A) She was under undue influence. B) And that side of the family...well, I am a Herring. That's Dad side. The Herring Homeplace - Fairview Stockfarm. I have come to grips with that. As I recently told a pastor, I have forgiven my mother, my ex's, the neighbors, mom's family, etc. But like my favorite saying, "Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it."

Such a lead in - as this is the anniversary of the bombiong of Pearl Harbor. Lets always remember what happened and the people lost on both sides. I remember when I was in Honolulu at the Ariznoia memorila, there were some Japaense there, and possibly one of the older gentleman may have even particpated. They came to see and proabbly pay their respects. Those who never wore a uniform can't understand and I know my words won't enlighten. So let me just say; remember Devemeber 7th, the attack on Pearl Harbor.