Monday, December 21, 2009


My Secret Santa at work gave me the new Star Trek dvd as a present as he knew I hadn't seen it and wouldn't buy it for myself (Thanks Bryan!) And I just watched it. All I can say is: Its a great space movie, almost reminds me of Star Trek. By considering this as an alternative universe... and I mean that from the get-go, I liked it. But, let me tell you what I didn't like and then I will go into what I did.

-The actor who they had playing Spock. I have seen people looking more like Spock at sci-fi conventions than he did. Not a good fit for that character.
-Pull over 'citizen.' Wow, Robocop.
-Pike was the CO of the Enterprise for the first 5 years. If not, then that negates The Menagerie (the pilot). So, like I said, this is some way funky universe.
-You don't complete the Academy in less than 4 years ( I mean that as he commented that he would finnish in 3.. not if they were going on a war footing)... ask anyone from West Point, Annapolis, if they could graduate early. Also, get a command in 8 years??? PLEASE.
-They were building the Enterprise on the ground and not in a space dock... and in Iowa? I don't recall there being a satellite campus there. What was Starfleet doing there?
-Spock shooting Kirk in an escape pod? The brig yes, off the ship in a combat situation? No.
-Delta Vega was the planet that Gary Mitchell fought Kirk on in the 2nd episode. And it was no where near Vulcan. It was near the edge of our universe. So they have their maps wrong.
-The Orion chick Kirk was making out with. Again, nice looking lady, but I have seen more believable ones at Cons. Also, while I think it was kinda hot, I have never seen a red haired Orion.
-Chekov... 17 years old... talk about OTJ. Sorry... not buying that either.
-Scotty seemed a little too happy at times when I wouldn't think he should be.
-I ain't never seen a Romulan ship look like some dam squid. They were always bird of prey.
-Another thing... this Next Generation is always trying to make the Romulans the bad guys and the Klingons have honor. I think you had better go back and look at the original series. Other way around. The Romulans had honor and the Klingons didn't and yeah, I'll fight any Klingon warrior as lets just pull out the facts first.
-What the hell was that thing with Scotty? In the next movie, if they keep doing this, please... NOOOO.
-The Kelvin had families? Didn't know it was an early Enterprise with families. Maybe she was a pregnant Fleet officer and I missed that. I just never recalled that Kirk's mom was in Fleet.
-Kobayashi Maru test... don't even get me started. I liked the one in the books better where he does reprogram the computer, but when he introduces himself, the Klingons are afraid of the famous Capt. Kirk. I think that would have played better.

**and even though its how I might have ended it... for Spock to just let Nero die and even Kirk go along with him... I don't know. I guess I am thinking back to the original where they woudl beam him off and make him stand trial. So maybe this is a more of a neutral observation.

Ok, now the good points.

+Thats the first time I have ever heard "Live long and Prosper" as almost an insult. AND The Old Spock telling his young self 'since it would be self-serving to say his usual farewell....' Ok, those were just too cool.
+I liked that Uhura and Spock love thing. That was good.
+Scotty looked like Scotty. And had a few Scotty lines.
+McCoy acted like McCoy. And he had a few McCoy lines.
+Sulu and his sword.. I had actually written about a sword that did that. And I hadn't seen that part yet. Kudos.
+I'll give the actor who played Kirk his due: he did ok playing him. Especially in some of the fight scenes.
+Uhura. Liked her. A little long in the hair, but acceptable.
+Not bad on the look of the Enterprise. Better on the outside than the inside. I think it was bigger insode than out, but its ok. I know that my old Chief Fabrications Officer is having kittens AND puppies though.

J.J. Abrams, normally I wouldn't Monday morning quarterback, except when you screw with my heroes. I don't care what you said about having a feel for Trek or anything else. I have seen better web movies that use people who also didn't look like Kirk, Spock & McCoy but kept the 'Feel' of Trek. This was just like the first Star Trek movie where they tried to put all the episodes into one movie. Is that what you did? Then that means the second one of these will be much better. I hope so.

As one possibility to an alternate reality concerning Trek: this is a fine movie. But this is NOT my Star Trek.

On a scale:

5 worth seeing at the movies, full price!
4 worth seeing at the movies, matinee
3 worth renting the video
2 if someone gives you the dvd
1 borrow the dvd or wait to see it on TV

I would rate this about a 2.5

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