Saturday, January 5, 2013

Idiots Guide to James

I was hoping to make this a manual about me. You know the Book of...

Looking back on some of my posts, is a pretty good idea. There are things I see, things I hear or remember, and want to share or write down or want to tell someone. But things sound better in my head; ideas and notions play out so much better in the fictional world of my brain.

Like seeing John Larroquette on an old episode of The West Wing. Also many familiar faces who I remember from other series or movies that I loved. Night Court of course is where he got his big break. But also he had his own show; The John Larroquette Show. Man, I loved that show. Great characters, funny stuff. I found many episodes on line. I also realized when it stopped being funny for me, was when he was ready to marry Carly but his ex shows up at the church to tell him shes pregnant with his baby. That got too soap operary for me.

Then he has been McBride, as a lawyer on some Hallmark shows. No matter what, I love his voice, mannerisms... while he may play many roles, I think he is always playing himself. That's why the characters are so relatable and believable as they are him.

A new year. New thoughts? New ideas? New direction; I hope so. Yet I like the past. I have always been a big believer in remembering those that went before us, as we stand on the shoulders of giants. As each generation comes and goes we loose something. They forget who came before thinking that Theirs was the best.

I am not really sure what generation I am from and frankly don't care. Is mine the best? Its the best for me; the times I lived in are the best and the worst. When they are gone they will be gone forever. Maybe some pictures will be left; memories of people who knew and cared for me. But that will last as long as they are around just as there are people who are gone but live on in my mind. Heck, even the illustrious and all knowing Internet may not keep things alive forever.

Heck maybe Jesus does need to come back so we can wrap things up. I believe that once this life/earth is over, God, the great and powerful and immortal DM, will start a new world. The basic ideas will remain but the outcome and people will always be different.

Maybe this time I can help the clouds with the rain or be a guardian angel or maybe even be Santa Claus. Who knows. Thats the beauty and the mystery of life. and it can all be over quickly. so we should remember our past. Maybe thats why thing happened; I had my desert, my meal and now I'm paying for it. But I have my memories for now and that helps some in making it through the day. As C.W. McCall once said, "Life is a collection of memories; and memories are like star-light, they go on for ever."


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