Friday, January 23, 2009

Loud Walking Women

I work in an 'office'.... ok, I have a cube with half walls, and I am also near the front. Since the building I am in, also has college classrooms, we get a lot of people around here. And of course the younger women that work here also. What I am talking about are loud shoes. I don't mean loud by the color, I mean, I can hear you from a block away. Why? And considering the rotunda has a ceramic floor, the 'clip clip clip' across from inside to out; to the stairs, to the classroom...ok. Sometimes its not bad. Something that breaks up a long day. But normally its kinda irritating. I am working and suddenly I get the image of a horse pulling a wagon in a parade. And heaven forbid if there are two or three of them together, I think the Clydesdale's are coming down the street. And I am not insulting the way these women look at all! Usually they are very attractive young women. Only one part of that last statement is worth pointing out: young. How a person looks bear nothing to wearing loud shoes. But youth....awww youth. And I think I figured out why the loud walking women are here.The women of today wear the loud shoes because of the loud music played in bars and dance clubs. They can't hear. I think maybe the vibrations from the shoes or something interacts with them music and the drinking. Maybe that helps them dance better.I don't know. I don't have an answer. I don't really care. I will be the first to admit, I have no fashion sense. But I will say this; ladies do what you like. Personally I like women who wear them. They have no problem having people notice them, so normally they are not shy. And it takes a lot of guts to wear, what I perceive as slick bottom shoes on smooth rock or ceramic floor. I know when I walk with smooth shoes I have to be careful, as slipping is always something to be aware of. In closing I thought it was an interesting observation. How trends are not just of fashion or color or style but of noise. One of the many mysteries of the woman of the species I find fascinating.

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