Friday, February 1, 2013

I'm glad John Belushi is dead

First off let me explain something. I LOVE John Belushi. There isn't anything he's in that I don't like. Ok, maybe Neighbors was pushing it, but he was trying for the straight man role vs his comedic one. I especially loved him in Continental Divide, as that showed what kind of range he had.

Why the title? Because as the times, movies and TV changed - I refuse to say evolved as evolution usually means something positive - I don't think he would have continued being who he was. In some ways, the ones who are taken from us before their time, either through accident, drug or other, will forever stay with us as being on top.

Belushi, Gilda Radner, Phil Hartman...SNL alumni... To me Belushi will always be Jake Blues, Bluto, Souchak....He will be The King Bee, Beethoven, the Samurai everything and a multitude of characters. Another that I absolutely loved was Sam Kinison. Oh my God... Sam would have HATED what has been happening in the U.S. If he survived I can honestly say that any death of his, I might think have been a government conspiracy. Outspoken and absolutely one of the funniest men I have ever heard. I remember getting his first album on cassette and playing for me and a group of friends as we had piled into my GMC Jimmy - full size. We were flying down a winding road and I had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard. I am surprised that I didn't put us into a ditch of hit something!

Jim Croce and Harry Chapin. Two storytellers who I loved. Their music was so right for the time they lived. The '70s were truly another time. As was the 80's. I once said I lived in the best of times and the worst of times. I feel lucky to remember seeing the ORIGINAL SNL, because now...ugh. Mad TV when they were starting out once asked, 'Remember when Saturday Night Live was Funny? Neither can we!' And with later alums like Tina Fey....ugh. I don't find her funny AT ALL. They are no Gilda Radner or Laraine Newman or Jane Curtain.

I hope all that have gone before us are at piece, doing what they do best, making people happy in Heaven. They were taken from us too young. They died too young. but I think had they lived they wouldn't be the stars that I see them for. And I would hate to have their brightness dimmed by the insipid stuff that is currently coming out of my TV or radio.

In the immortal words of Chevy Chase (yes I know he ain't dead) "I'm Chevy Chase and you're not!"

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