Tuesday, February 19, 2013


In this day and age, a lot of people are celebrating holidays not on the holiday. I can understand if someone has to work or something, but I want to celebrate my birthday, ON my birthday. Celebrate Thanksgiving on that day. As I said, I understand that some schedules dictate other, but as a rule of thumb, I like it to happen on those days.

Why? I just do. Those are the days so celebrate them. And if the restaurant you wanted couldn't help you because you waited to the last minute to book your romantic Valentine's Day dinner, too bad. I like seeing happy couples or celebrating families, or people making a big deal out of a birthday on a Tuesday night.

Those days are special. At least to me. I try to keep them that way as I have gotten older and my life has gotten crazier; and I do things that help me keep those feelings in me.

Doesn't work for everyone and that's ok too.

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