Monday, February 11, 2013

Blast from the past.

Found an old friend on Facebook, or more correctly he found me. A man I went to Kemper with  in 1979 when I was just a high school sophomore  He then went onto spend approximately 25 years in the Army... Airborne Ranger and who knows what else. We weren't in the same company or the same classes, but we started Kemper together and have that bond. When I saw him pop up on Facebook I friended him and he accepted. He called me tonight, I missed the call unfortunately, but will return it as soon as I can so we can catch up.

I have always said that the men and women I went to Kemper with were the best of the best. The time I was there was the best. I wouldn't trade it for anything. And, hopefully, if I make it to Heaven, my Heaven will be re-living my time at Kemper with some of the best people I have ever had the privileged of knowing. You say you can't count on one hand your friends; Hell I don't even make it out of the "A"s with both hands.

It humbles me that these men and women stay in touch with me. These are people who put their life on the line, who have seen combat and horror that few will ever know. They give me their friendship and I do my best to live up to that. I would rather die that betray any of them or break a trust. We are not human and none of us are perfect, but betraying a trust is not something I ever want associated with my memory when I trundle off this mortal coil.

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