Wednesday, September 1, 2010


What are blogs for if not to discuss your dreams? Well I am talking about, close your eyes and sleep kind of dreams now.

I had one last night that is trying to get away like Bryan from talking (about anything). It was good verse evil. and you could tell the evil people as they had their eyes all black, meaning they were possessed.

As I woke up, my brain tried to make some sense of it. then it went to thinking about God Being The Ultimate DM, or a game of chess between God and the Devil, or other such games of good verses evil. And I came to this conclusion: Evil will aways cheat. They will turn your loved one or best friend or trusted person against you at the exact moment where its going to do the worst to you. If they don't then they will probably die, or the game, as in you, is over.

The flip side to that is God's ability. To end the game when He says it is and declare a winner (Him) or a draw. God NEVER looses. It just may take a few years or decades for God to declare you a winner or to call it a draw. If you die while working hard for him, its an immediate win for Him.

Was reading up about ole Tom Bodett (We'll leave the light on for you) and thought about heading to Alaska myself on a few occasions (back in the 'good ole' days'). Even have considered these days also. To get lost. Start over. Etc. I have used the analogy of my being 1st level (D & D). I am, too a point. But some say I have a bit more. In any case.

Also saw online about people getting fired for posting stuff on Facebook. No duh. My dad always said never write anything down you wouldn't say to someone's face. Granted, some of the things they put weren't a real problem, but you should think; is this going to affect my work status? Yeah freedom of speech and everything, but the boss is thinking, if I don't have loyal people working for me, why are you there?

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