Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kemper Numbers

I found an old list of the attendance of Kemper over the years. I had a better one, but can't find it as I am sure it is packed away. When I can I will repost it all. But this should show some of the ebb and flow over the years at Kemper Military School & College in Boonville, MO.

Year Attendance
1870 32
1871 28
1872 41 Grant re-elected President
1873 53
1874 57
1875 57
1876 47 Battle of the Little Bighorn
1877 52 Hayes elected President
1878 45
1879 52
1880 48 Garfield elected President
1881 50 F.T. Kemper dies of Pneumonia, T.A. Johnston takes over as President of Kemper Military School
1882 52
1883 53
1884 53 Cleveland delected President
1888 58 Harrison elected President
1889 56
1894 66
1895 66
1896 62 McKinley elected President
1897 51
1898 76 Spanish-American War
1899 47
1900 58 McKinley re-elected Prsident
1901 66
1902 76
1903 81
1904 105 Roosevelt elected President
1905 114
1906 113
1907 132
1908 114 Taft elected President
1909 148
1910 144
1911 160
1912 130 Wilson elected President
1913 156
1914 158 WW I begins
1915 146
1916 198 Wilson re-elected President
1917 217 US enters WW I
1918 341 WW I ends
1919 501
1920 503 Harding elected President
1921 426
1922 352
1923 357
1924 372 Coolidge elected President
1925 346
1926 402
1927 360
1928 372
1929 380 Stock Market Crashes
1930 426 Great Depression
1931 396
1932 313 Roosevelt elected President
1933 236
1934 220
1935 244
1936 367 Roosevelt re-elected President
1937 429
1938 447
1939 451 WW II Begins
1940 431 Roosevelt re-elected President
1941 508 US enters WW II
1942 558
1943 592
1944 576 Roosevelt re-elected President
1945 556 WW II ends
1946 544
1947 569 Cold War begins
1948 530 Truman elected President
1949 495
1950 389 Korean War begins
1951 357
1952 353 Eisenhower elected President
1953 338 Korean War ends
1954 295
1955 297
1956 330 Eisenhower re-elected President
1957 378
1959 460
1960 363 Kennedy elected President
1961 343
1962 367 Cuban Missile Crisis
1963 404
1964 446
1965 476 US enters Viet Nam War
1966 492
1967 544
1968 529 Nixon elected President
1969 488
1970 402
1971 291
1972 281 Watergate
1973 258 US leaves Viet Nam
1974 153
1975 118
1976 153 Carter elected President
1977 190
1978 189
1979 179 Iranian Hostage Crisis
1980 216 Reagan elected President
1981 242
1982 256
1983 281
1984 229 Reagan re-elected President
1985 213
1986 253
1987 316
1988 320 Bush elected President
1989 350
1990 388 US Enters Persian Gulf War
1992 Clinton elected President
1993 291
1994 386
1995 392
1996 415 Clinton re-elected President

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