Monday, May 24, 2010

I love a new show... Drop Dead Diva

As most of my many many followers (ok, the 6 of you) probably know, I love sci fi, fantasy and military shows. With enough comedy ones to make it interesting. But, there are occasions when I surprise people. And in turn I surprise myself with what I like.

And as you know, if I experiment with a new show, I must watch the pilot as I hate watching a show 5 episodes in and I have no idea whats going on. So when Hulu came up with Drop Dead Diva, and gave a short description on it, and had the 1st season, I decided to check it out. Also the lead I thought was pretty. Sue me, I love a pretty face.

I am hooked on this show. Part of it is because its a great show and the writing and acting by all involved. But a bigger part is because of Brooke Elliott, the actress playing the lead.

I know at times I have an addictive personality; so I am watching all 13 of the first season on Hulu and glad to hear that it has a 2nd season on Lifetime.

Besides the premise: a blond model dies and comes back in the body of a plus size lawyer. She wasn't bad enough or good enough and punched the return button and went back here to earth. So this is a personality change/life experience. I love Brooke Elliott, the actress playing Jane the lawyer! She is very pretty and I love her personality. I hope that she is like that in real life.

Also, considering that it deals with something that I am familiar with, which is being big. And like her character, I hate the word Fat. Luckily I have never had a poor self image of myself. If I try and figure out why; my parents always said they loved me for who I was, and that if people couldn't see that, then they weren't worth knowing. And you know what; I believed them. I am also lucky enough to have great friends.

Example: Bunch. He once said that I ordered at McDonalds; 2 Big Macs, 2 large fries and a medium Diet Coke. I laughed. I thought it was funny. Not in some 'trying to fit in' way either, but because it was cute. Did I feel bad? No. Was it hurtful? No. I know; in this day and age, some kid would spend months on a couch trying to get through his feelings if someone said this about him. Am I making fun of kids today? In some ways maybe I am. Its the old story of how rough it was in the 'old days.' Peer pressure. You know what; I didn't have any of the fancy stuff that the kids have these days - Internet, cell phone, etc. What I did have were parents that loved me, spanked me when I made a mistake, but that never stopped them from loving me when I was a kid. And great friends at a military school. Did we all like the same things? Hell no. But guess what? That never stopped us from loving each other.

So Bunch: love him to death. I'd back any play he wanted, and God forbid if someone tried to do anything to him. Does that mean I don't try and play tricks on him when I can? No. Or when we get together do we not talk crap about each other? Also no. And I know he wouldn't pass up a good practical joke on me either. But; has he had my back? Always. For over 30 years. And I have had his.

That's one of the many reasons why I love this show. Her friends; the model from her old life and her assistant from the new one. Luckily one of the things that Kemper taught us was that it didn't matter what we looked like. It was truly what was inside that was important.

I love that she takes on the concept that being big leads people to prejudice. And that it is hard to find clothes. That maybe more for women than men. But the ability to have any kind of relationship is difficult at first. People do judge you by your looks and size. If they just took the time to know you. I try not to judge until I have all the facts. And even then, we can't know everything about someone.

I always use this example: I once convinced this tall, gorgeous red head with a body like the proverbial shit house, to have lunch with me. Afterwards I said, "Well that was fun, we should do it again." I never wanted to do that again. Her personality and mine were NOT compatible. I actually thought about leaving. After that I asked this other woman out who worked at a mall I went to. In a lot of ways she was like Jane; bigger with a very pretty face and a fantastic personality. We had a great time and made out some. The only reason I didn't pursue it further at the time, was that she was looking for something more serious at the time than I was then.

I love this show. I will be getting the first season on dvd when I can. I know none of my guy friends will be watching it with me, as its not their cup of tea. Will I catch flack about it? Sure. But then I catch it about other things. Does it bother me? Hell no. Because I know, that while they may not care for it, they respect that I do. And, as we have gotten older, we understand a lot more now than we did when we were young. Besides, they have their little things that they like too.

In this case, Lifetime has a great hit. Its very current, and it has a law aspect. With shows like Law & Order, CSI, etc. they are going at it from that angel. Personally I think it reminds me more of LA Law. It does have its eye candy too. It all shapes and sizes. And it has great story lines and fantastic guests. S far it hasn't jumped the shark. I do miss the guardian angel though. I thought his and the blond roommate's romance was going to be fun. And I like that they highlight Brooke Elliott's singing. Not all the time. Just enough. And with the pop culture references she makes, its cute.

Try this show out; but like I said, you really need to see the pilot. I would love to get an autographed picture of Brooke and the rest of the cast. And hey, if I ever got to meet her... yeah I know. Big fan boy here. What can I say? I know what I like.

Keep up the great work Brooke.

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