Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dam! Yeah! Dam! (Drop Dead Diva)

Ok, I explained previously how I got hooked on Drop Dead Diva. How much I really liked Brooke and at that time I was almost through the first season (thanks Hulu). When the season finale comes, and while not a cliff hanger, a bunch of unresolved things. Love it!

Then caught a pre-view of the 2nd Season. Loved it more! Fred is back in his full-time Guardian angel status. Yeah! Jane has a problem; her secret husband shows up. Of course the Jane that is Jane now, doesn't know who he is. But the body of Jane likes him. And of course we still have the possible dis-barment,(Dam) her current boyfriend who wants to go away to Nappa with her, (he is a nice guy, so could go either way there) and of course Grayson, who broke up with his attorney girlfriend and was having dreams about Jane (also either way). Don't get me wrong, I like Grayson, he is a good guy. But, this Jane is not the same model that woke up in Jane's body. And while Jane was very good, we do see she had her faults; like her relationship with her mom.

Ok, ok, ok. I know. I know waay too much. Did I mention I really love this show! Its not all beautiful California people, but people I think most can relate too. Especially Jane.

Her personality and the way the story intertwines to see how some problems have a solution right in your face. And then the legal cases are not all murders or high profile. Divorce, dog cloning, and other interesting, but not 'sensational, must crack by the end of the hour or the killer goes free' kind of stuff. And that end of the season finale case, was really good. I think the real answer at the end was a bit rushed, but considering the show, I can make allowances for it. I liked the twist and again, great guest star. I can't remember the actress's name, but I remember seeing her in CSI, NCIS and some others. I love her. She plays a great baddie/bad ass.

Alright I have gushed enough. As I said, there are few series that I really get into. And with Hulu, when they run the whole season and you can get caught up in the character, verses having to wait a week and then get excited all over; dam those aliens at Hulu.

I tried 30 Rock, Parks and Recs, The Office, American Family.... Sorry. Tina Fey doesn't really do it for me. Especially with her doing Palin. And The Office; I think the British version was better. Parks and Rec...where do I begin. And American Family.... those last two I have seen a few episodes and while I wouldn't be a regular, they do offer occasional diversity. Like trying a new restaurant once in a while or ordering something different every once in a while.

I like this because its like a life 'do over.' A great 'What if?'

While I could be critical on Lifetime at times, this is not one of them. Bravo. Kudos.

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