Thursday, March 21, 2013


I don't try and explain the kind of relationships I have with my fellow Old Boys. That alone should tell you something. I always say to people who comment about 2 or 3 good friends or friends they can count on one hand. I tell them I can't count the number of good friends and that using both hands I don't even get out of the "A"s. These are the kind of friends that you can literally get into a fight with and it doesn't mean anything.  

George. The man who I went neck and neck with at Kemper. Platoon sergeants, platoon leaders, staff, etc. One of my bestest friends in the world. A brother. A comrade in arms. That being said, let me tell you about the only time I know and remember we ever got into a fight. I don't mean arguments. Hell, George and I would get into an argument at the drop of a hat, at the suggestion of something or just for the fun of it. It could get hot, heated and loud and you know what? It never meant anything. It was never personal. No lines were ever crossed. But some who might see it would wonder. With George it was really like a verbal chess match. But in this case, George would cheat. He would know or find that 1 fact that would prove him right...even though 99 times it was wrong. And he could tell you something so slick, so sincere, you would buy it; hook, line and sinker.  Anyway, back to our fight. 

I was mad. I don't know why, but I was. And it wasn't at George. We were in the barracks walking down the hall and George said something and it just hit me wrong. I remember thinking I was gonna knock that smirk off his face and I did a spinning back kick to his head. As George tells it, I 'telegraphed' my move; and I have no doubt as I didn't connect. BUT, to my credit George also said that he could feel the wind as it went by; had he no more room to back up, and if he hadn't pulled his head I would have connected. Solid.

But, since I did not connect, and I was over balance I ended up on my butt and back. George then proceeded to jump on me and playfully beat me in the chest til he realized I was pissed and jumped off. Now, I laid there looking at him, a lot of the fire gone. I rose up on one elbow and glared at him. He had backed off; and when he saw that I wasn't gonna chase him or do anything else, he reached down and gave me his hand. I took it, stood up and brushed myself off. We continued down the hall; and honestly nothing was ever said. Until we started telling the story about how I ALMOST kicked George in the face. And we both tell it and laugh. 

As I said, it was nothing he did. I was just in a bad mood. George knows me and I honestly think that was the first time he ever saw me that pissed. He had seen so many sides of me for 6 years and beyond; like I said, I love the guy like a brother. Love his family, and I know my family loved him and his.

My trust in George is irrevocable and complete. Almost. Let me state for the record: I trust him completely with my life and everything and everyone I hold dear. BUT, if he said, "Here, try this," I wouldn't. You have to understand; George is also a practical joker. You remember Harry Anderson from Night Court? That's George. To. A. T. A con man and anything for a good joke or laugh.

I was telling George that once on the phone, as I had related it to someone about how his and mine relationship was. He laughed on the other end when I got to the 'here try this.'  He said, "Unless I said, 'no really.'" I laughed even harder and said "ESPECIALLY if you said that!" He laughed too when he realized that, yeah, he would have done it. 

At George's wedding, I was a groomsman. Fast forward to the reception. George and his lovely bride are dancing. After an appropriate amount of time I strolled over and tapped her on the shoulder. She gave me a less than pleased look and said, "Well what if I don't want to dance with you?" 

I looked her over and said, "I was asking to dance with you." Grabbed George and off we danced. I would like to say it was planned as it went off like it had been. But it was spur of the moment; just the kind of thing that George and I would do. I don't think she has fully gotten over that. 

Like I said, I trust him with my life; and hes not a bad dancer. 

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