Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Auctioneer and An Old Boy Can Survive

There are some things that just stay with you. I was talking with Caldwell and reminded him that I remember him and Randy wright lip syncing to The Auctioneer at Kemper. This was way before it was cool or karaoke or anything. They were just having fun making up their own dance moves.  I also remember Randy re-writing A Country Boy Can Survive to An Old Boy Can Survive.  I wish he had written it down and saved it. I know he included George and I in it, or at least Ohio and Glasgow.

I use my time at Kemper and how I was raised a yardstick for kids these days. In some ways they have it so much easier, so many toys; both the boys and girls body's maturing so fast. Thinking  they are grown up. At Kemper we knew we were mature, but we were also kids. In some ways I think we were better off than any kids these days. What we were 'taught' is something that I can't really explain.

I do remember some 'adult' magazines making their way through companies. But also comic books and paperback books. That was something that I actually looked forward to pulling OD Duty. There was usually a couple of paperback books in the desk, That was where I got hooked on a series; that until a few years ago, I had only read the first book. Again, that book along with others, stayed with me.

Why do I talk about Kemper? Why am I protected of Kemper? If you have to ask then you don't and won't understand,.

Some Old Boys don't want to remember how they were. Or admit they were someway in their wild and woolly days. Trying to re-write their history. Fail. You can lie to you wife, kids... but we know and remember  Granted there were no cell phone cameras or videos (thank God) but to deny that you didn't play Rat Patrol, and all that stuff isn't gonna cut it. I remember it. No, my memory isn't wrong, as you can tell, when it comes to Kemper, I am walking historian of my time there. And yeah, I am dam proud of that fact.

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