Thursday, March 11, 2010

Shes on another ONE!

Ok, Jeri Ryan. Loved her in Trek, but she has certainly been making the rounds of other shows. Leverage and now Psych? I should have caught that when Spencer was making the joke that Gus needed to see the season finale of "Leverage." Please, its like watching Kate Mulgrew in Mercy. Shes playing an alcoholic mother and not the best mother either. OMG, she had a starship for fricking sake! Man I must be getting old if I am complaining about that crap on TV. But seriously; I liked 7 of 9, but these others... just don't do it. Maybe I am that big of a Trekkie (I am) but still... once you find something that you are good at... stereotype or not, it can outlast any other thing you try to do. Look at Shatner. He tried TJ Hooker, but you don't see big 'TJ Hooker' conventions. So point there for Trek!

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