I got a very nice e-mail from the creator and star of Linked about my review. I really did like it and hope that there is a Season 2. Never made me think about being a film producer...who knows. First I guess I need to come up with something original and fresh first, huh? Besides, I maybe getting too long in the tooth.
Another great thing that happened today was I saw an old friend. hadn't seen him in about 6 months; he was down here at the college with his daughter as she was checking out the J-School. First time I had really gotten to talk with her and told her what her dad meant to me. we have known each other over 30 years now. And as I said, I don't see him the way he is now, I still see him like he was all those years ago. Greg was a bit of a wild man in his day, but he has settled down to be a good man and it is reflected it his daughters. Kudos my friend.
You know, as I write, I have no idea who is reading my blog. I'm just some guy in the mid-west, ok Missouri, with a eclectic tastes. I should write a book on what I have gone through; of course I would have to label it fiction as I want to add what I think went on behind the scenes and other things to make a good read. I could entitle it something like, 'Oh How the Mighty Have Fallen.'
I am glad that what has been happening of late has gotten me through whatever writer's block I have had for a while. My problem I was always concerned with writing something fresh, or trying to make stories with twists and turns that keep people guessing even though the clues were there. I was once accused of thinking too much and I think that was it. So maybe by writing 'snapshots' of what happened in my life is the best way. And a blog is as good as any.
If nothing else I can always use what I write her as rough drafts and memories to keep me going.
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