Sunday, March 14, 2010

I'm Behind You U.S. Marines

In this article, which I must say that the more I read the faster I read, which means I was getting upset, the question on whether the Marines have too much autonomy than other units. All military units have a chain of command. They have orders. The marines have always done things their way, the marine way, and they are good at what they do. Witness the success they have when they are allowed to do it. If this doesn't scream that the powers to be; be they republican or democrat, although I am betting dem, since the comment from the Obama rep., doesn't like it when the military wins, I don't know what does.

When it comes to politics I have only 2 hot buttons. One is gun control. I am a lifetime member of the NRA and have owned many many many guns in my time. I know the First Amendment is possible because of the 2nd Amendment. The other one is the military. Let them do what they have to do. There are no rules in war except one: win. The reason that people can complain openly, loudly and often against their own country is because brave men and women gave their life, so other could spit on what they did. THAT pisses me off. No amount of debate will ever change my mind; and this crap about 'not supporting the war but supporting the troops..' sorry. You support the troops because of what they do.

I have had the privilege of knowing many men and women from all branches who served. And many who served in Viet Nam. Had the politicians allowed the military to do what they Had to do, it would have been different. But you see what happens when you try to please everyone. WW II didn't have that problem. Patton, MacArthur, Murphy didn't have those problems.

So I say; good luck to the U.S. Marines. As their toughest enemy is not the one they prepare to fight over there, but the ones who don't want you to succeed. And unfortunately, that enemy is over here.

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