Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 172 - Movie Weekend

This weekend I decided to do something I hadn't done in a while; I rented a couple of movies-Taken and Yes Man.

I had wanted to see Taken because, come on; a former spy go after the bastards that take his daughter. Great storyline. and I like that he is not a feel good, PC spy. Even to the point where he shot his ex-friend's wife in the arm. Like he said, It was only a flesh wound. Besides, she should be pissed that her hubby was on the take of the slavers. And it shows that torture does work on occasions. It was a good movie, but predictable. I did like seeing his spy friends; actors that I hadn't seen in a while; especially the guy from "Profiler." And the twist with the diva singer was a nice touch. Good movie.

Yes Man with Jim Carey. I was a bit hesitant, as this could have been like Liar, Liar. And in some respects it was. But that's fine as that was part of the comic genius of the movie. But that's the only similarity. Loved this movie! And it had actors that I hadn't seen in a while; like the new head of NCIS, Kate from NCIS, Bud from JAG and Molly Simms from Vegas as his ex-girlfriend. And I must say I was impressed when he did say "no" to her. But that was part of the charm of this movie. By saying yes to so many experiences, he helped people and formed friendships, like with Norm and his costume parties, which I don't acre, looked kinda cool. And yeah, I have been to a few of those, and I don't care, they are fun, and I like them! Then of course there is Zooey Deschanel. Love her!

Of course his friends had that kid from the 70's Show. I just feel he keeps playing the same kind of character over and over. Not bad, does get old. And then there is Bradley Cooper. I first remember seeing him in Failure to Launch, and thought this guy is good. And now he is in The Hangover, which I REALLY want to see. And I have heard they are working on The Hangover 2. I really hope he goes on to do more stuff. he has a very subtle comedic genius I like.

I just looked up the homeless guy, as I remember seeing him in a few shows, and I was shocked to learn that Brent Briscoe is from Moberly, Missouri and he graduated from the University of Missouri! Wow, small world (but I wouldn't to paint it).

I ended up watching this movie three time. So yeah I really liked it. Want to own it eventually.

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