"You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy." Charles Manson.
This quote is from a web site that I visit very regularly so I can make sure I am still a human being. Or more to the point, a caring and compassionate human being. This site is not for the faint of heart and I will admit the stories I read on there take me from compassion to being enraged/pissed off that I have to go and look at a kitten page to calm down. And I really wish I was kidding.
What this site does, is ask if the people in these news stories; many with the standard mug shots, usually along with a picture of their victims, who, also more often than not are children (not necessary even out of the single digit age range) and also more often than not ARE THEIR OWN KIDS, should go to Hell for being killed by these scum of the earth people. Not all are murders, but the crimes are equally heinous, and I think out of all the votes I have cast, I have only sent one a, "not got to Hell," and only a very few I abstained on as the story was ongoing and had no real conclusion or all the facts. But most are retelling from court transcripts or from someone doing research on line.
It truly amazes me that these people, and I do use that term loosely, should be walking around. And I don't want to hear I don't know about what they went through; from mothers with supposed "post partum depression" to fathers who are alcohol or drug abusers, or for the sex perverts. Let me tell you what, I have never had kids, either through birthing them or fathering and I have never done ANY illegal drugs. But what I have is a soul, love and a conscious. And while I no longer have the amount of money that I did have in my hey day, there is no way I would ever do some of the things these people are accused or convicted of doing to a child, let a lone MY OWN FLESH AND BLOOD. What, all these people are temporary insane? They weren't in their right minds? Ok, lets say that I buy that. then they should never walk free again as a) they may have a relapse and freak out again. People accuse military vets of that all the time, from post traumatic stress. And yet, none of the pst that I know of have resulted in a child having done to them some of the things.... I can't even say what.
And b) they should be sterilized. Not just spade and neutered...oops I'm sorry did I say that? That was wrong of me, to compare them to animals. It gives the animal a bad light. But this way they can never again even have the possibility of raising or having anything to do with raising kids. I think they should be registered as sex offenders, but make them child abuse offenders and have the same restrictions. No where near schools or playgrounds-and God forbid any relative ever asks them to baby sit.
You know its funny: growing up I was accused of not having patience. Now a days people say I am one of the most patience people around. Maybe I got it out of my system, or maybe as I got older I truly appreciate life and what its all about. And reading all those Chicken Soup for The Soul books have also helped.
New Topic:
Now, the next thing I want to talk about is something I read that might be starting in New York; a fat tax? Something about taxing sugar drinks; i.e. soda. Because people are accusing fast food restaurants of serving fat food & drink. This proves we, as a society need someone to blame. It's not my fault I'm fat its McDonald's. Oh yeah, like McD's snuck into your house and tied you down and made you eat that Big Mac or Whopper and made you drink that 6 pack of Coke. Hey, I'm a big guy, and I know it. I know why I am, how I got here, and that I am trying to work on it. Maybe not as fast or strenuous as I should be, but I have cut out soda for a year, and so far, 28 days and counting. I am drinking more water. I bicycle everyday (yes even in the cold weather, I have long johns and my rabbit/Russian hat).More coffee (maybe good/maybe bad there) but have I stopped eating at McD's? No. Do I want them to change the fat food or how they fry their french fries? If it makes the food taste differently or more expensive, then NO.
Ok, I know we tend to be a 'skinny' society. I look at skinny girls, but I also look at pretty girls in general. And I have seen some beautiful, bigger women. I also judge a person by what their personality is. If I can't have a conversation with them, forget it. I don't care what they look like. As a photographer, i know how I can make a picture look "just right" even though it maybe different than the original. And besides, bigger women like to enjoy good meals also, as do I.
Yes, I know, more weight puts a stress on your heart, diabetes, etc. Am I advocating everyone just be big. Hell no. Especially is there is a health issue. But, does it mean all big people are not healthy? In my opinion, no. No matter what I am going to be a big guy. I was raised on a farm, did farm stuff that made me bigger and I had a big appetite, and my mom was a great cook who canned and froze things, and at Thanksgiving we had two types of meat, mash potatoes and gravy and stuffing and two pies.... and we were eating left overs until the New Year and I loved it!
Its funny, and I am surprised this hasn't happen, but think about this: if the big people have the money to eat as much as they to do to be big, then give them an airline where they have seats that are made for them, not some bony ass size 0 anorexia model, who thinks she is all that and more. And the same goes for amusement park rides. I may be big around the waist, but I am also tall and have a 52" chest, and those bars do not come down and fit me. I have about a 70% chance of them working. So make some rides with us in mind. Think about it; if a plane has the room for us to sit comfortably for a few hours, it will be a luxury for normal people and practically engulf the skinny people. And it would have to be as safe for the extra weight, so this could incorporate more cargo room maybe. Same for the ride. It would have to be strong enough to take all big people in every seat and then some. And when its not filled with all that extra weight, can you imagine how safe that would be? Just some ideas.
In closing, that web site I was referring to is: http://pysih.com/
After looking at that site for more than a few minutes, when you need something to cleanse your pallet, might I suggest: http://icanhascheezburger.com/ or this one: http://kittenwar.com/
W.o.W. moment: if you play professionally, people will notice and respect you for that.
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