Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 17

As I read the "Chicken Soup" books, I do cry at a lot of the stories. They are just that good and heart warming. It also reminds me that, like in some, I got what I got before, so I can handle whats going on now in my life. It might be Payment Due or How the mighty has fallen... but I know I would not be able to handle what is going on, if not for what happened before. Of course it could be said, that had things I not done or etc happened, I wouldn't be here either. Who knows.

The best things that has been happening is that I am rediscovering older music (70s, 80s and 90s) that I had forgotten. I have still been going through my cassettes to get those songs that you would never find now. The ones that are not made into CDs.

Also, I have been scanning pictures in and putting them on the classmates site. And I have been simplifying still, when I can pull myself away from W.o.W. And that one Big Bang Theory episode had it right, when Penny (the good looking neighbor) gets hooked on online gaming; it makes you feel good that you have some control over some aspect. I already knew that from playing D & D. And W.o.W. is a stop-gap for that; until you can find a good group to play with. I was lucky in that case also; in the 80's I had a good group. Even had a girl gamer, playing a female character. Trust me; in those days that was a miracle.

The weather warmed up today-somewhere in the 40s.

Not much more to say right now. I just wanted to make sure that I kept my New Years resolutions. So far no soda and I have written everyday. As for the pictures-didn't get to it today. But that's ok. I am not giving up. As Chief always said, There was only one perfect man and he died on the cross. So I am not going to get hung up over it. Or, as Titus said; Climb down off the cross, take the lumber and build a bridge and get over it. In any case, I will keep at it. But the soda and the writing... so far so good. And trust me, pizza without soda is very difficult.

W.o.W. moment: If you don't know something, just ask.

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