I thought this was a very underrated movie. I love this movie and the music. It's important, I feel, for the music and the movie go hand in hand. Luckily this was one of them. I know, amazing that someone who is passionate about military movies likes this one. Not so strange really. Amongst all the military types I know, who are professionals, there is always a touch about them. Something that makes them human. Be it their love of animals or their family. There is something. I was lucky in that my mother instilled in me compassion at an early age. But like many; don't mistake compassion for weakness.
Anyway, back to the movie. I wish I could find someone like Claire. Maybe that's my problem-I can't find someone who is as crazy as that. or maybe they are just crazier. Not good. Or not crazy enough; also not good. The right mix. But hell, that's a dream. Just like the movie, its "unlife." Not real. There are not people like that. Or more correctly, there are not ENOUGH people like that. The ones that are, are already taken or are taken with someone else who probably doesn't appreciate them. Eventually the spark that makes them like that, dies. Children growing up. Some may say, "I'll never grow up." Oh yeah? What was the last crazy thing you did? It doesn't have to be a road trip like that, but how about something else like helping people you have never met, and probably never see again? Or start writing that novel you had always talked about or sand karaoke?
I have been crazy, usually alone as like I said, it seems few can keep up. And now, while I am an adult, I am far from grown up. I think I have the right combination; but not catalyst. And no cats right now either. Sigh. I get my kitty fix from icanhascheezburger.com. But also I like to visit the Humane Society. Now that pulls at anyone's heart strings if you ask me.
w.o.w moment: you can have a pet, even one that may seem a bit odd.
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