Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
As one who is a Trekkie, they nailed sci fi cons and a great parody of Trek. It also shows, at least in my opinion, the feeling that the new Trek movie is screwing with our heroes. And it will not be tolerated. I am not saying murder by any means. But maybe financial murder? If they think it will be a cash cow and turns into a lame duck, then hopefully we can ignore this one and get back to what Trek was.
The opening of the episode where Hodges flips opens his cell phone (communicator) and utters the immortal words, "He'd dead Jim." OMG. Hilarious. Of course to those who are only semi into sci fi, or not know Trek as well as some of us, it may not be as funny.
I like when they show some of the support people; Hodges and Vicki. And I like the actor who plays Hodges. I have seen him in a few movies and series-that I think he is a good actor (Combat High not withstanding, but don't blame him... much).
In closing; this is a great episode and I love how the interaction with the bartender, about his tours in the military and that he would like the world to be like what that tv show was all about.
There has always been a debate on what Gene Roddenberry was trying to say. It is very simple: It was a wagon train to the stars. The sets were campy, the affects at the time were the best they could do and yes they used salt and pepper shakers as medical instruments. He was trying to make money and touch on some of the things that were going on in the world at that time. What better way for people to relate to a tv show?
While growing up I was ridiculed for liking Star Trek. Even today some of my friends would like to kill me for signing them up (Right Randy?) And yet you look at cell phones-communicators, pda's are tri-corders, laptop computers, space shuttles. The first space shuttle was called "Enterprise" after the star ship on the original Star Trek.
Even amongst us trekkies we have our favorites; actors/actresses, series, episodes, etc. Now a days its cool to like sci fi and fantasy. Look at "Twilight."
But I remember the fight to get here. I wish I could go back to those Con days, which drew thousands to see their favorites stars and authors. Its funny; the Internet, which is as sci fi as you can get is killing, again in my opinion, the bond we had. Instead of going to a convention and meet and talk with others, you can go online. I paid my dues over 35 years ago. I started with the James Blish books (look those up) when that's all there was.
And as for this new Trek movie: I will not go and see it. I am one of those outraged fans that think this new one has screwed with my heroes. And I for one will not contribute any of my money to perpetuate it.
I am a trek fan. I belong to Starfleet International. According to the Guinness Book, we are the largest Trek fan run organization in the world.I have also been the Fleet Admiral for the organisation and held many posts over the years. People ask me who I am suppose to be. I am me. Shatner was Kirk. Nimoy was Spock. And I am...
VAdm. James Herring
(farthest on the right)
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