Ok, this was in one of my first posts, but after some things that the President said, I think this deserves to be posted again.
America Pleads Not Guilty!
In the turmoil of the times, Americans have been inoculated with a false feeling of guilt. Some would have us believe we have failed our dreams. They call us greedy, grasping, arrogant, meddlesome...
America Pleads Not Guilty.
Mobs stone our embassies...Americans are ridiculed in foreign lands...Dissenters at home defy our laws and make mockery of our freedom. We are called selfish, smug, self-satisfied, unfair. We are told to hang our heads in guilt and shame.
America Pleads not guilty.
They call us inhumane. But when disaster strikes anywhere in the world; flood, famine, hurricane or earthquake-we are the first to offer aid. Not just sympathy, but food, clothing, medicine, money...
They call us selfish. But each year Americans contribute billions to charity...most of it dimes and dollars from average citizens.
They call us "Uncle Shylock." But what other nation in the history of the world fights and wins wars-then taxes itself to the breaking point to restore the war-torn lands of the enemies?
America Pleads Not Guilty.
Critics scoff at our New World ways. But in 200 years we have cleared a wilderness and have become the granary of the world and the arsenal of freedom.
Cynics say we are crude and uncultured. But in 200 years we have built a nation of 175,000 schools....2,200 colleges and universities....1,000 symphony orchestras....100,000 libraries.........75,000 hospitals....and 250,000 churches.
Two hundred years ago, children worked in the mines and were old at 14...criminals were dipped in vats of molten lead...citizens were chained in dungeons with no hope of a fair trial. Debtors were stripped of their freedom...No man's home was his castle. These are no more...thanks to the American Dream.
America Pleads Not Guilty.
They call us intolerant. But men of other colors and other faiths sit in our Senate and Congress, and rule from the highest judicial court in the land.
America Pleads Not Guilty.
There are 200 million Americans who have never owned a black slave, or any slave. They stem from a million ancestors who have never owned a black slave or any slave. There are 200 million Americans who have never started a war, or envied another man's land....they have never ransacked a nation, looted a stranger's home or forced any man to bow to a loser's yoke. There are 200 million Americans who have never scoffed at another's God...or defied his temples. Thousands of American soldiers are buried in foreign soil-they died fighting so others could be free. Cynics and dissenters cry: "America is through, the dream is gone."
They lie.
Millions of Americans still live with their neighbors in peaces and harmony. Millions of Americans still live with the spirit of charity, with compassion in their hearts. Millions of Americans still pray, pay taxes, obey the law and govern themselves. Cynics, scoffers, critics, say what you will about us...
America Pleads Not Guilty.
This was written by Dan Valentine in the 20th century. It is true today as when it was written. I want to write one that is updated to fit was has gone on in this 21st century. This is my America. This is my United States. I am an American, and I plead not guilty.
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