Friday, February 5, 2010


I guess the only time I write on here is for rants. I am still writing Trek stuff, and that helps any writers block. But in any case...

Started watching the show "Mercy." Typical soap-opera at night show, but the pilot episode was good.

Anyway, as the shows go along I find that the main character is, as James Vander Beek guest stars observes, 'a bitter nurse.' And as Buffy's little sis, and the 'innocent' one also observes, 'if it's not about you.' Shes Hawk Eye as a woman I am realizing. And I started not liking him after he started getting too political.

Then you have this doctor who moved to Jersey to be with her, even though he knew she was married. He backs off when she tells him too and then finds a nice doctor girlfriend. Her marriages fails and she throws herself back at him. He initially resists, but of course gives in (well he's kissing her in the last episode, so maybe its just a kiss or...) I was having more respect when he turned her down. Doesn't any one believe in keeping their word? I know...but 'they were in love.' No, they were in a war. Anywhere else they probably wouldn't have even looked twice at each other. But when its life or death and you want to feel something, then you take those moments where you can find them.

Her ex-husband who may have had an affair, but didn't fall in love, is the one who I am really really liking. He declines the doc's baby sis's advances, when it would have been great payback. Heck, I even now like the first doctor who was such an *beep* but who really loved his Russian wife, and then she was killed. At least he was consistent.

So the main nurse has PTS and is an alcoholic. Shes still an ass.

This show is like so many others. I am now watching it NOT for the main character which I am beginning to really NOT like, and watch it for the other characters. Thank goodness for fast forward.

I wish they would show new episodes of "Trauma." Similar situation but more action.

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