As one who does like Josh Whedon, (Firefly!) and the Dollhouse had great promise. And the first season or so was great. But as the story has unfolded, it has gone... where no man has gone before. It doesn't know what it is I think. Emprinting people is great; as then you can have episodes like in the beginning, with the FBI Profiler. Then the sex thing got in the way. Then conspiracy. Then the intro to Ballard. Alpha was great as he was the one pulling the strings-and of course someone from Firefly, and then more and more guest stars like them. But now... Echo is the Shuper Soldier.. after a while its no fun watching someone who can do everything. It was good when she could be anyone from a computer program. And I was going to get used to her switching from one personae to another. But all this talk about freeing the dolls. Unless I missed something, these people are volunteers, who knew what they were getting into.
To me that's like saying I want to free the people in the US Army. They knew what they were getting into to. (Gee, did I just sound like Obama?) But I mean it as; they are a group of people, doing something they volunteered for. They don't need to be freed. Why is Echo getting her panties in an uproar? Have they kidnapped anyone and forced them...not that I have seen.. yet. But the big bad cooperation is up to no good.
Ok, this is one of the reason that Lost, lost me. I tried watching Heroes, even with the cute cheerleader... nope. And Flash Forward... left me in pause. I don't know if Whedon is doing this on purpose or what. Firefly was great and then Fox cancelled it. Space, Above and Beyond was also great. Why do people screw with things? They brought back FF as a movie and of course had to kill some of the characters. What, SAAB was sensationalizing war? Better to have military heroes than the Hollywood rock stars, talking mouths hypocrites and steroid popping, womanizing athletes. Unless any of those people lay down their lives for people they don't know, I don't want to hear it. In old Hollywood, you had actors who joined the military and fought with honor. Now adays, there are a few who served, but you don't hear about them as they don't want to be ostracised by the rest of the left wing of Follywood. The only way I can express my displeasure with those people is NOT to see any movie like that. My $10 won't go into their pocket. And while it may not make a different, at least I feel better.
So, in closing to Josh...bring back the old Dollhouse-this conspiracy is getting a bit much. If the corporation truly wanted to protect itself, it would just eliminate those problem people. And if it has that much power, with houses all over and politicians and govt officials in their pocket, do they (Echo & Co.) think they can free their house? Better to try and use their house for good within the system than make an enemy, especially when you have Alpha out there. The British bitch... IF she has gone over to the dark side, which, unless she gets off on pain has, should have been eliminated. But of course, better the devil you know. I don't see why they just didn't take her, brain wipe her and program her to help. If she was drunk, she wouldn't know the difference. And since she was obviously NOT on their side; sorry. I am loosing interest in the Dollhouse fast. And I would like to know what happened to the doctor. She just took off, and no one seems that upset. Wow. Talk about double standards. She was an Active AND a member of the Dollhouse staff and no one has tried to find her. Hmmmm. Plot hole.
So instead of being part of those who watch it on network/cable/satellite... I will just watch it on Hulu. Don't know if Hulu tracks how many times its accessed, but I can live with that.
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