Ok. I hate to admit this, well I guess I don't since I am writing on a blog, but I really do like the series Greek. I was thinking maybe cause I work for a college, but no. Or that Bryan reminds me of Cappie and the way he and Kirsten fight are like him and Casey. But no. I just really like the characters. Normally this character heavy series I wouldn't care for, but since the series started they have all developed. Even Evan Chamber's character. But I could see Rebecca's make out partner coming from a mile away, especially since she wasn't going to admit it to Ashleigh.
This has (for me) the right mix of character and story. It doesn't really do any social commentary except about people. Men & women. Oh yeah, I know I am delving too deep into this; but I also guess I like it since it lets me escape reality. Just like Star Trek or other shows that I have fallen in love with. And the few, very few, on one hand I can count, reality shows I have liked, are not the norm of the reality show genre either.
I was thinking about this earlier. I don't want normal. Even in a woman I find attractive. Normal, while safe, can be boring. And in a relationship that can be deadly. I have friends that are married, and I wonder how some of them get along. They have their own hobbies, sometimes separate from their significant other. Eventually, the s.o. while doesn't complain about it, makes them give up what they love. Either because its expensive, time consuming or they need to grow up. When you start to loose track of your freedoms because of that, its a sign. I guess that's why I kept in touch with so many. I didn't have that kind of distraction. And the guys that I know that are still the same, I know. meaning, the trust is still there, and has never wavered. Because they are the same way, 30 years later. Some of the old gang have changed, and that's good for them. they feel they needed to, as they have a wife and family. Their priority changes. For those of us who are the same, we are the ones who will be on the front lines, protecting you so you can protect your family. And yes you are still family, but more of a cousin now, than a brother or sister. If that makes any sense.
Even now; I am cutting a lot of things out because I am moving, and I am either throwing out, selling giving away or storing. In this case, this is good. I am giving up "things." Not my love of movies, because I am getting rid of VHSs, or books, because I am donating some to the library or games, because I am picking which ones I want to stay with. If I was giving up gaming that's one thing. I am not. I am focusing. Paula (ex#2) once said that I hadn't lost enough. I had thought about that for the last 4 years, and almost thought she was right. She was referring that I hadn't been beat down enough, loosing things or more accurately, having things taken away from me. I had almost thought she was right.
Now, I realized, that to grow I had to get rid of things. And while any Christian wants to be more like our Creator and strive to walk like He; I realize as does He, that mankind is A) Not perfect and can never be like him. B) Perfect can be boring. If He wanted us all to be perfect, He could make us perfect. He is God after all. No, he wanted us to choose, like a science experiment and see what happens. Should we be good, do good and be the best we can, yes! But, because of choice, some choose to be evil. The too perfects are turning other cheek to forgive. And that's great. I can do that, to a point. I am the guy who will stand up, because I was bullied in grade school, even though I was bigger than some. The one thing I didn't have at that time was confidence. Going to Kemper, I found confidence in who I was, what I liked, and had no problem standing up for myself or beliefs. Bullies don't want someone to stand up for themselves. And the small ones, they thing they can pick on, sometimes can be very fast and sneaky. Anyway. I know that standing up is more Old Testament. And Ia m alright with that. Eye for an eye. My reasoning is this: while I may not be good enough to rank the penthouse, I know I am good enough, even as a Christian soldier to rank close. And there will be good people, men & women who I respect, admire and loved, there also. Birds of a feather don't you know. So while we may not dine on pheasant under glass or caviar for eternity; we will be having prime rib and desert. And then when the need arises to protect, or the dirty work for the side of Good is needed, then the bell can be rung where we are, and we can form up and fight the enemies of evil. If that's how I have to spend eternity, I can live with that. Just hope Greek is playing there or that I can access Hulu and watch the back episodes.
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