Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 229 - Dating In The Dark

Ok, I for one do not reality TV shows. I can count on one hand the ones that I like. And of course, the ones I like never seem to make it. Anyway, I happened upon this one on Hulu. The reason I checked it out was because they had the 1st episode and when they explained that there were no cash prizes and no one was voted off I thought ok. And then the premise. Great. You meet in total darkness. You get clues of what a person is about,and then decide if you want to "meet" them in the light.

And I must say, that it seems the women are more judgmental on how a person looks than the men are. At least the ones I have seen. So far I have watched five of them. And in one of them all the women wanted one guy and the two other guys were cool about it as they knew they didn't have a spark with any of the women. But, when they saw him, they all changed their tune. It wasn't like he was ugly or anything. Good looking guy; but to one he was too young. Another, he wouldn't fit with her lifestyle and friends....amazing. I have seen guys check themselves. They said that it was about the person on the inside, if they choose not to meet. Of course they could be lying for the camera. But the premise, I like. we'll see how long it lasts. Since its a good show, and is trying to bring people together with no cash prizes, no voting off or anything like that. And looking like everyone actually getting along on the men and women sides, it probably won't last.

So I will say that this is #2 on my reality show check list. the first was called "boot Camp." and yeah it was military orientated. Aw well. Guess that's why the majority of network TV sucks. They never leave the good shows alone. They want that "microwave" NOW. Not use a stove and let things cook.

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