Ok, I know that I am a Trekkie. I am a fan from way back; one of the 'originals' as I can remember the original when it came on, and I read the James Blish books. I was also made fun of for liking it. In those days, it wasn't cool. And since 1987 I have been a card caring, uniform wearing, position and rank holding individual in the largest Star Trek fan organization (according to the Guinness Book of world records). And now with this "new" Star Trek, I am seeing reviews by the supposed media that the older fans don't really think this comes across as what Star Trek is all about. Well du-uh.
This new generation, not going to say Next Generation, wants the CGI, wants scantly clothed men and women who have sculptured looks and more explosions in space and cool James Bond like toys. Well you know what: If I could say it in Klingon I would, but don't know the language. Needless to say, I agree and I WILL NOT be going to see the new Trek. Hell I haven't seen the last two, so why stop now. My reason is simple: it is not the Star Trek I know. It bears no resemblance to anything that Roddenberry, either one, could imagine.
Now I know some of my comrades in uniforms are all for it. They see it as a chance to revise the sagging numbers and with no new TV show, they need to rally around something. But not all of of the old school like this new Trek. I don't. I don't need some flash director/writer whatever to pen a script about Kirk, Spock and the rest of the gang's beginning. I know it. I lived it for well over 22 years. I have paid my dues. Now its cool to like sci fi and fantasy. With the Lord of the Rings on the big screen and Harry Potter sweeping all over the place, people are seeing it for what sci fi and fantasy are all about. BUT there is a cost.
Look at Starship Troopers. Anyone who have ever read that book, know they took A LOT of license. It doesn't really look like anything from the book. And if they had made this movie with any other characters but the main ones, I think that would be fine. But you are messing with canon; the characters that started it all. Their back stories are established by The Great Bird of The Galaxy (That's Gene Roddenberry for those of you who don't know). Hey screw with Picard or Sisko or even Janeway's background. Leave TOS (that's The Original Series) ALONE!
And for the Orion News Network or whatever farce of an entrainment review that I saw online, again, I can't say it in public and can't say it in Klingon, but the first letter is "F" and the last word is "Off."
And to let those who don't know what I have done, and yeah, how geekie can I get (don't know, still racking up the points) here goes my bona fides for talking Trek:
Started in STARFLEET INTERNATIONAL on January 31, 1987
Hold the rank of Vice-Admiral.
Have served from everything from local level (ship's captain) region level (Regional RC) and Fleetwide (I am a former Commander-STARFLEET). And I have held numerous positions, simultaneously.
And yes I have a few uniforms in my closet.
All that said, I will not be watching this movie. Its my right and my right to say why. I am sure it will be a big hit. My only hope is that it won't be a big enough hit that they re-produce this drek for another movie. Or at the least use different characters.
Yeah I know, I might as well pull out communicator and try to talk to Kirk. Oh wait, we do have flip phones, small computers, like what was in TOS, the ability to talk over vast distances, just like in Trek and numerous other things, that Star Trek started. hell even the first space shuttle was called "Enterprise" after Star trek, and had all the actors/actresses and Roddenberry there when they rolled her out.
In closing, I will save my money buy not going and spending more on popcorn and soda. I have my opinions, which I have expressed.
So Live Long and Prosper and...
may the wind be at your back....
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