- That's me with the tuba and Stetson, wearing my 'Europe' suit and boots. I took that suit and hat with me when I went with Mrs R. to Europe in 1981. I had two different shirts and ties so I could mix and match. I thought I was so cool.
Dennis is next, trumpet. You can't tell, but he has painted his eyes black, kinda punk rocker. And he was wearing a collar and leash.
Next is Tom, trombone. He's a preacher now in South Dakota I think. Originally from Texas and a helluva nice fella.
Bunch is next, lead trumpet. He and George were the co-leads of this ensemble. He is a consummate musician; a professional in the ways of music-even if he is from Arkansas.
And finally there can be only one....Randy Wright.
Twenty eight years ago and yet it seems like only yesterday. With the exception of Dennis I am in touch with all of them. George & Bunch I talk with all the time. Randy, less frequently. Tom, an occasional e-mail. I have no idea where Dennis is. Pretty good for 28 years I'd say.
As for an album cover or name, I have no idea. For someone who works in words I am at a loss. This truly touches very close to home and I have no words for what I feel when I look at this.
Maybe just call it "The Old Boys."
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