Another blog about someone's life, their highs and lows and all the other stuff that makes them who they are. It maybe many things, but boring isn't one of them. I have continued the story, but departed from the text.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Day 89
And that's all I have to say about that.
Friday, March 27, 2009
But as I watched it, I flashed back to Chief. As Orlando's character flashed on his father, I did with the memories of him. Don't get me wrong. My father is never far from my mind, but these memories of Chief were something that he used to say about me; he always knew when I was playing in the band as he could hear me. And that I sounded like more than one tuba. Praise from him was worth more than rank or medals. And a lot of us worked hard for that. As I mentioned before in a previous post; the voice in my head I hear will be Chief's. As he could get me to do things, to move beyond myself. That, coupled with what my father would think are things that guide me now. I feel changes have been going in with me, and some things have resurfaced that I had forgotten.
And of course the music of the movie is fantastic! Music in general will always remind me of Chief.
I hope that Chief and my dad are having a blast. I'll try not to let you all down. And Chief, find Hawk for me. Help him wherever he is.
Farmer Boy
Day 86

I know whey I have an affinity for cats; growing up on a farm we had a lot of cats. They were the natural defense against mice, snakes, grasshoppers and many other things you might find on a farm. I got my education on the miracle of birth and life from watching baby kittens being born. And I have seen three mother cats attack and run off a German shepherd dog, who just happened to drop be and see what was going on.
In closing; I will take the kidding. Doesn't bother me. I have always loved cats and always will. I even had a store called The Cheshire Cat. But that's another story.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Day 85 - What Happened?
The weather is still freaky. Had bad rain, strong winds, nice days and cool to cold days. The one thing about Missouri the weather is never boring.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Day 78
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Day 76
It was over 70 today and gorgeous! Suppose to be like that tomorrow but a chance of rain.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Day 75
But as we almost pass the first 10 years of a new century, I have to ask: when will we seriously return to space? Some may say we have with the shuttles and the International Space Station. The probes we have sent out, the landings on Mars. But I mean, when will man walk on another planet again?
Some may argue we can better spend that money on things here on earth. Oh really? How do we not know that the cure for AIDS or cancer is just lying around on another world; or is known by other intelligence life in the universe? Yeah I am a believer.
Some people need to understands of the price that was paid by the first Apollo disaster and that we haven't walked on the surface of another planet since 1972. Anyone who will sit on a rocket and willing to be blasted into space deserve the best we can give them. But it seems that the American people want it NOW. Like anything these days from microwaves to a quick war; what happened to our ability to last? Guess that's why marriages these days don't last. Not a lot, at least half of those who get marriage are willing to risk, chance and work on it.
In my young days kids wanted to grow up to be astronauts. To me that's a noble cause. Now a days, it seems that a lot want to be rappers. Talk about how times have changed. Hell, I even wanted to work aboard the Calypso at one time. Yeah we need to take care of this blue planet we call earth, but we can also do that by exploring beyond ourselves, in my opinion.
Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee were those in the capsule of Apollo 1 that gave their lives in 1967. I was too young to remember that. But I do remember watching the Apollo 11 landing in 1969. And then the Challenger and Columbia tragedies.
Hell I remember when I heard about the Challenger disaster-I didn't believe it just like a lot of people, because we had gotten so used to the goings of the space shuttle, we had forgotten exactly how dangerous it can be. Hell of a wake up call.
Well, are going to let those people perish in vain? My only question after all this is: when will we return to space?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Day 71 - North Howard County Wisdom
My dad was old when he had me. He was 44 when I was born. In fact I was born between his and my mother's 44th birthday. My mother always said that when she got married to my father she prayed for four boys. Living on a farm, boys were built in labor. After 20 years she just payed for one. She said when she had me, she didn't realize that she got all four in one. My father confided in me later that he switched from tight jockeys to loose boxers. So who knows.
Anyway, my father was born on the family farm; and he even went to a one room school house that he had to walk to. Yeah, yeah, I know; we've heard it all before. EXCEPT... the school house was actually on our property. Bawker school. And the desks were still there when I was growing up. Luckily I have one from there; before some low down lily lizard possum stole the rest of them from the school. So I saw where my dad went to grade school before he went to the big town of Salisbury for high school.
After high school he attended Kemper Military School & College in Boonville for 2 years before finishing off his degree at William Jewel near Kansas City. After all that he returned to the farm and with the exception of working at the local ASCS office, farmed until he passed away in 1987.
My father never met a stranger. He was one of those loud, outgoing guys whose personality filled a room. He always wore a Stetson; either a beat up one during normal days or a nice one for when he went out with my mother or to church. And he had a habit of having one pants leg stuck into his boot.
People who never met my father might initially take him for a 'country bumpkin' and dismiss how intelligent and sharp he was. That was fine by him, because it put people at ease. But those who knew him never underestimated him.
One time at Kemper, one of my teachers, (who was the first female teacher to have taught at Kemper and who was exceptionally sharp) said she ran into him in the teacher's lounge. Oh really, I said. What did you think of him? She said after five minutes she told him he could knock off the country boy act. I told you she was sharp.
I learned a lot from him. And as usual, he passed away just when I had gotten out of the stage that I didn't want to be with him, and was actually enjoying talking with him. I remember one of the last times we went out. We went to a Mizzou football home game. My dad was a BIG supporter and loved going. It was just me and him. We walked around all the tail gate parties; people we didn't know before, but ended up being friends after that. And where we sat, he had season tickets for over 35 years, so everyone knew him there also. After the game we ate steak at Bobby Bufford's and I remember we had a discussion about whether it was better to rent out farm land verses farming it yourself.
I learned a lot of what would be classified as 'home spun' wisdom; but in reality is just common sense. Also, my father at the time embarrassed me. I know, thats what parents do to teenagers. Dad did it to get to me. But I now know that what he did was to prepare me for life. Now, nothing embarrasses me. I laugh loudest at myself. And you know what; I'm ok with that. Whats to be embarrassed by after some of the things my dad did and said? Because you know what? They were never crude, rude or anything but fun and friendly. Of course I was aghast at times; being the teenager that I was. Now I can smile about it.
At age 24 I grew up. With my father gone, I had to take everything he tried to teach me, and trust me when I say, you put two hard headed people together and it it is truly the rock meeting the immovable object. I wish I had paid more attention and learned. But I got a lot of the things he did teach me. And I know that he is watching me and laughing at some of the things; as I also laugh at them and me.
I have always said that if I am a tenth of the man of my father was, I will be somebody. A dear friend told me to quite trying to be my father. I know I am not my father; but I AM my father's son. In that, I am very proud of the fact.
In loving memory of Jimmy Shackelford Herring.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Day 70 - World is Going Craazy.... Again
Then we have the rampage in Alabama and another over in Germany. What is going on? Is there something in the water, the phases of the moon, Obama getting elected? OK, that last was a bit much; I don't believe that, but I bet there are some people who are saying it. And they would be as much of an ass as saying that was an arsenal.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Day 69 - The best of Trek
I was thinking about writing what I and my friends did for my birthday. I have two friends (yeah I know, where'd I get the two?) that I have known over 20 years. One lives in St. Louis the other the KC area. All our birthdays are close together so we get together somewhere in the middle of them and usually in the middle of the state, which is Columbia. What we do would not be interesting outside our circle. We eat, we watch movies, we play games, we travel around seeing what kind of trouble we can get into. Usually not much with our ages. We truly have been there, done that. Did I mention that one of them is a retired airborne ranger and another a former US Marine? And then there is me. Well I have done a lot in the civilian sector so that's acceptable.
Anyway, what I did find interesting is that my friend and I disagree about the upcoming Star Trek movie. He is anxious to see it, as he says, it looks like fun. and to get new blood into the Star Trek fandom, we need that.
I on the other hand have very little desire to see it. J.J. Abrams has made, what looks like an exciting, exploding movie, again. Another Mission Impossible: 2. And, in my opinion, it will do as good as MI:2. And no, I didn't see that movie either. And this one doesn't even have Tom Cruise in it for me not to see.
I have a problem as they are telling us origins of the main characters. That I have a problem with. And from what I have seen, they are behaving in ways that I don't think they would. Yeah its my opinion, also based on all the movies that they were in I have seen, the original series and all the Star Trek books I have read. Now the argument, which happened was what was canon. Even Gene Roddenberry, the Great Bird of the Galaxy differed on what was canon as part of the Star Trek universe.
I would much rather see this using other characters. That way they could jump-start the franchise with them, instead of making movies from a series, they could have made a series from a movie.
I haven't seen the last couple of Trek movies as they are going more for the action instead of the story. When Data and Picard got decked up as Rambo and the words, 'lock and load' were uttered from them.... ok. Picard is not my favorite. I think of him as a whimp captain. Yeah, Kirk rules. But, he was consistent through the Next Generation series. And yes, I did watch the Next Gen. Not as much as the original, but still. So I understood what they were doing; they had spilt Kirk into several characters. Ok, I'll stop the analyzing.
But then they totally made him into something else. when you go against what you have done for over 6 years; naaah. And yeah I got all that from the previews.
As for the new Trek movie; I am sure I will see it at some time in my life. Just like I know I will see those others I missed. Sooner or later there will be a Trek marathon that I will be at and have to sit through them. Did I mention that all three of us are members of the largest fan run Star Trek fan club (according to the Guinness Book of Records)? And that all three of us have held positions from local to Fleet level? So we know Trek. We just have different opinions.
Unlike The Hunt for Red October or even How the Grinch Stole Christmas, I can not just look at this as a space movie. I have talked with a few other 'old timers' and the reaction is about 50/50. So speaking only for myself, I know not what others may do; but I choose not to spend my hard earned money on this; or even rent it. I will not, as I have my own ideas on their back stories. I don't need someone to spoon feed me it through a movie. The difference between the original series (TOS) and the Next Generation (TNG) is that the original had to make do with salt and pepper shakers as props and were character and plot driven. In TNG, in my opinion, they sacrificed plots and initial character development for special effects.
So what does this mean? Just that I probably won't see it. One of my friends will. The other one? Did he cast a deciding vote one way or the other? Not that I heard. and if went one way or the other, wouldn't matter. As that is what friends are for. They like what you like; usually. But when they disagree, after it is all said and done, they are still your best friends.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Day 65
So what would have happened had we all met at Kemper? That could have been interesting!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Day 64
The reason I write that is I have been going through and scanning in old pictures and I came across some of them. Of course this can be put down to youth; and the solution was unique. But it came from knowing, that no matter what, they were not going to embarrass themselves in front of this general. Those two have also gone on and lead pretty good lives, so it all worked out in the end.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Old Album Cover

- That's me with the tuba and Stetson, wearing my 'Europe' suit and boots. I took that suit and hat with me when I went with Mrs R. to Europe in 1981. I had two different shirts and ties so I could mix and match. I thought I was so cool.
Dennis is next, trumpet. You can't tell, but he has painted his eyes black, kinda punk rocker. And he was wearing a collar and leash.
Next is Tom, trombone. He's a preacher now in South Dakota I think. Originally from Texas and a helluva nice fella.
Bunch is next, lead trumpet. He and George were the co-leads of this ensemble. He is a consummate musician; a professional in the ways of music-even if he is from Arkansas.
And finally there can be only one....Randy Wright.
Twenty eight years ago and yet it seems like only yesterday. With the exception of Dennis I am in touch with all of them. George & Bunch I talk with all the time. Randy, less frequently. Tom, an occasional e-mail. I have no idea where Dennis is. Pretty good for 28 years I'd say.
As for an album cover or name, I have no idea. For someone who works in words I am at a loss. This truly touches very close to home and I have no words for what I feel when I look at this.
Maybe just call it "The Old Boys."
Day 63
But since you are peddling a machine, trying to keep it up right, level, and having to take into consideration, terrain, weather, people, cars and everything else, getting lost in the music isn't what I do. I listen to music when I work out, and music affects me when I ride. I have certain music channels for when I ride. Its hard to explain, so lets just call them motivational songs.
Am I a safe bicyclist? I try to be. I don't blow throw stop signs. I have seen both bicycles and cars do it. I don't try it when I bike; and I try not to run the yellow when I am in four wheels.
My bike isn't 18 speed, but a mountain bike. Do I know all the gears? Not really. I shift when I have problems and back when its an easy ride. I would definitely call myself a recreational rider, even though it seems I am hard corps by riding in all kinds of weather. Again, not really.
With high gas prices I recommend riding a bike when you can. Sometimes its not practical I know. Would I give up my 4 wheels for 2? Never. I think a good balance is the best. Ride when you can; it saves gas, is healthier for you and is fun. You see things that you miss when you drive. Some might say its dangerous riding; either on the sidewalk or in the street. Doesn't bother me. You see, I understand that physics is on a car's side. They are bigger, heavier and can't stop fast. They hit someone riding a 10 speed, its not gonna be pretty. Me, I have a defensive mind set; not to mention I stand over six feet and a I tend to be a big guy. Two things might happen if I get hit: 1) I have a good chance of being like a deer-going through your windshield. Momentum x velocity x etc. etc. etc. or 2) Because I am a big guy, I am not hard to miss, and if you don't put me down if you hit me, I have a good chance of getting back up. I am a fairly easy going person, unless I get hit by a car. So you can imagine how I might feel.
Knock wood; so far I have not had anywhere close to getting hit. What I have done, are stupid things that got me hurt. The only person I can blame is me. Here are a couple of my highlights: I know there is a chain across some lot here in Columbia, that, in the waining hours of daylight, can not be seen. And it is set chin high, and luckily, is also break-away. Or at least it was when I decided to take a short cut through the lot. I now have a nice scar on my chin from that. I need to think of a good story for how I got it.
Another time I was flying down a hill and my cap blew off. Unlike a lot of kids today, I was not wearing it reversed. In these instances I now understand and have no problem wearing my cap reversed. In this instance I reacted quickly. Perhaps, I might ad, a bit too quickly as I applied break first to the front instead of the back. I fond out that I have great front breaks and that Newton's Law works; You know-an object in motion will stay in motion.... as I flew over the handlebars and then had the bike crash down on me. Luckily there was no car behind me or who knows. In that case, I would have been totally justified in getting run over.
So what am I saying here? I can be my own worst enemy on a bike. I laughed both off, as what else was I gonna do? Scars heal. Glory fades. Pain hurts, but only for a minute, etc. etc. I don't worry about cars, I just worry whats the next thing I am going to do to get a scar. And I don't worry about scars. To me they are reminders that we all do stupid things, or more precisely I do stupid things. Good or bad, I wear them as badges to remind me how lucky I am.
You gonna have to get me to tell you the time I put my arm through a glass door and had glass sticking out of it. My mom was more freaked out than I was. Yeah it hurt, but I had no one to blame but myself. Unfortunately a lot of the younger scars are fading. Its a good thing I get new ones to remind me that I am not invulnerable, especially with my birthday approaching. I still feel twenty-five; most of the time. And I have the scars to prove it.