I actually DID write something yesterday, but it was for a submission to MyMissourian.com, about my Polar Bear plunge experience. So I have been true to my New Year's resolution. Although I almost broke it yesterday with soda; it was just a bleck! day, and wanted that sugary sweeteness. BUT I overcame! My only resolution that I have broken was taking a picture everyday. Being in an office all day and then getting out when the sun is going down does not make me want to take any pictures. But still, I will keep trying on that. If and when that article gets published I will let you know here.
Been hearing from old friends on myspace and facebook. And these are older people, not the youngsters that supposedly are what its targeted it for. Also, these oldsters don't have to worry about anything posting stupid stuff that they did, because they did it when they were young, there were not cell phone cameras or Internet, so the episodes are safe. I always remember what my dad said, be careful, it may come back to haunt you some day.
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