Friday, March 25, 2016

To sleep, perchance to dream...

I remember a M*A*S*H episode where the men and women of dreamed. Of course most were not the good time.  At the end Charles uttered the quote about 'perchance to dream.'  That kept everyone up for a while.  They didn't want to dream. But most night time dreams are the nice kind. Then you have those that scare you. Falling, being chased, attacked, whatever. Lots of people put lots of thought into what they mean. Dream interpretation. And yeah I have done it. Most seem to be about unresolved issues that seem to be common sense ones that if you could be a detached and impartial reviewer you would know what and why you dreamed that.  
Then you have those dreams.  Not, not talking the sex ones. These are the ones where, there really is no overtly obvious reason you are having it. It doesn’t make sense and it leaves you unsettled the following day. Maybe you can’t remember the whole dream. Maybe you can only remember a part of the dream as the memory of that dream fades like fog before the rising sun. I hate those dreams. It’s like the itch you can’t scratch. Why? It doesn’t make sense. It only serves to depress as far as I can tell or as a wakeup call to do some internal soul searching.
I hate those dreams.